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MITSU CPSIII SuperBIOS Conversion Services

Can we See that Picture so we know if that cart is already preserved?

What should I be looking for with CPS3 carts that aren't already preserved? I've already converted quite a few of them without knowing that there's still undumped variants out in the wild.
@Darksoft Here are pics as I unboxed the kit. Along with some of the unit after I opened it. From the videos I watched and stuff I read. It seems I need the ultra simms if I want to avoid the 40 minute wait times ? I looked and there’s no eta on those kits. Are they still produced ? Lmk if I need to take any other pics ?


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Looking at that set, you will at least need another 64mb stick and 2x 128mb sticks to allow you to use it as a "multi" (with 40+ minute wait times to swap games, unless you find the cuurently unobtainable Ultra SIMM set)
Looking at that set, you will at least need another 64mb stick and 2x 128mb sticks to allow you to use it as a "multi" (with 40+ minute wait times to swap games, unless you find the cuurently unobtainable Ultra SIMM set)
Ugh. That’s what I’m gathering. I’m praying the ultra simm isn’t out of production. If it is. I may be reselling this setuo possibly. And just sticking a mister fpga in my new net city cab project.
I believe there's currently no plan to re-produce atm due to the cost of the flash.

It'd be worthwhile asking in the WTB for a 64mb and 2x 128mb sticks.. there might be some that upgraded to ultra simm wanting to sell.

FPGA CPS3 is still a while away. Jortego received my CPS3 board earlier on the month, but I'm sure it takes a lot of time to get a core up and running.
Will Ultrasimms ever get another run? I've only recently got a cps3 board. No rush. The F3 eventually got a fresh run after a year or so. Maybe there is hope for ultrasimms.

I read a post about a hack that let's you boot to either cd or nocd mode holding the test button. How does that work? (I currently only have the cd version of darksofts repro cps3 cart).
Is there an update for an older cps3 multi? I've had mine for probably 8 years and when I try to select the region, it's hard to pick the USA, it jumps around alot. Thanks
Is that all it does? Is it worth sending my cart to someone who can install ultrabios on my cart? Thanks
Sorry for the noob question I have an awesome multi that mitsu/darksoft hooked me up with years ago running with a cd rom drive. I would now like to be able to use it without that drive since I have it in Jasen’s sweet enclosure. Not sure if any devices offered here for this?


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