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Cyber Lead PSU Replacement


Oct 23, 2019
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The original power supply in my Cyber Lead was going bad. It was causing audio interference (static) and video interference (horizontal lines, unstable picture), as well as making a sizzling noise. It might be repairable but I figured a replacement was best.


  • 18 Gauge Wire
  • Size 6? Red Fork Terminals x7
  • Size 6? Blue Fork Terminals x2
  • 0039013063 - Molex Mini Fit Jr Female 6 position x1
  • 0039013083 - Molex Mini Fit Jr Female 8 position x1
  • 0039000040 - Molex Mini Fit Jr Pins x12
  • MHS012 - Mean Well PSU Feet
  • QP-150-3A - Mean Well PSU
  • M4 Nutserts x4
  • M4 Screws x4
I started by removing the stock power supply. Then I marked and drilled 4 holes for the Mean Well PSU and installed nutserts. You could just use a nut but I had nutserts I wanted to try out.


Next I cut the stock AC connector off. AFAIK there's no good wire to wire female end for this type of connector. (Something I didn't do but suggest is installing a 3 pin connector between the fork terminals and the AC wiring. You can't access the screw terminals once the PSU is mounted and it's a little annoying to have to pull the PSU screws to disconnect the AC lines.)

AC Wiring:
  • Green - FG
  • White - L/Live/Hot (yes, white is hot)
  • Gray - N/Neutral

To make the dc harness just match what's already there. I recommend using blue fork terminals to connect the grounds together on the PSU side since there's 7 of them to try to shove into the 2 terminals on the PSU. I doubled up red forks since it's all I had and it's not that clean.

DC Wiring:
  • Red - +5
  • Brown - +3.3 (I used purple)
  • Yellow - +12
  • Black - Ground/Com
This same psu is in some of the early windy 2s. I wonder if I could retrofit the case for something like this.