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For Sale


Mar 10, 2020
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Canada
[SOLD] $900 <- $1000 USD - Darksoft CPS2 Multi Kit - Champion Edition mounted in a Darkstalkers Nightwarriors board/shell. Comes with A board.
[SOLD] $1300 SHIPPED in NA <- $1400 <- $1500 USD - Darksoft CPS3 UltraSIMM. Red Earth needs to be reflashed with fixed rom (Slowdown bug).

Prices are net to me, please. I can ship these from the USA.

CPS2 - She's not the prettiest but she's got it where it counts. If someone is interested I'll post internals and video of it running.


CPS3 w/ UltraSIMMS - Again, can post video of it running if there is serious interest. Red Earth needs to be reflashed with fixed rom (Slowdown bug).


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Is the cat included?

Oh man, idiot cat needs a Darksoft CPS2 Multi Kits worth of dental work because he's on a wet food only diet otherwise he gets urinary crystals which I've already spent a Darksoft CPS3 UltraSIMM on vet bills. I wish I were joking.

Edit: Little dude is family, I'd spend more if I had to. He's not why I'm selling stuff :)
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Oh man, idiot cat needs a Darksoft CPS2 Multi Kits worth of dental work because he's on a wet food only diet otherwise he gets urinary crystals which I've already spent a Darksoft CPS3 UltraSIMM on vet bills. I wish I were joking.

Edit: Little dude is family, I'd spend more if I had to. He's not why I'm selling stuff :)
Cat dental work is surprisingly expensive. Hope he gets better soon and good luck with your sales.

I’ve purchased from @hidaniel before. Great seller.
PM'd ! I've needed one at our spot for a long while now . Be nice to finally step it up from OE and 30th :love: . Me and a couple of the players were talking about a VS CITY and it hit me, that we have nothing to put in one. Prolly a way better move to get 3rd Strike first. At least we can supergun it till the pool goes back up for the cab!