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Continuing with my "great PCBs for less" theme...

The Darksoft STV multi cart, complete PCB setup with LCD selector screen and multi region STV BIOS.
Paypal funds, shipping via USPS included *continental US only*, I will include the kick harness pictured if I can find it (no promises on that).


I will ship this with the cart removed but tapped down to the PCB so as not to disturb/remove the wires.

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When I say sale and desperate, you know its the truth buddy. :thumbup:
@SNK-NEO-GEO was the first to message me with interest, if he sends payment it will go to him.
@that1crzywhtguy you can be next, sorry I'm really not playing favorites SNK was just super quick with that PM.

Hey do you have a PayPal.me page? I’d be happy to throw you a few extra bucks to make up for a bit of the loss selling these things at a discount.

I know it’s harder during the holidays and life happens. During these times, a community should take care of their own, and your contribution to the forum is invaluable. I’d be happy to throw you some scratch to help out. :thumbup:
Dude I hope everything is ok man. It sounds like you’re looking for fast cash, but I’m sure you can get more than you’re asking for many of your items.
Dude I hope everything is ok man
No everything is pretty far from ok, but I'm trying to take it one day at a time.
No drama, just saying.
I don't have any time to spare, the clock is ticking and I have to be out of my apartment by the 1st.
Hey do you have a PayPal.me page? I’d be happy to throw you a few extra bucks
I don't, but honestly I'm not looking for charity thanks.