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DECO Multigame

rotatet, 3:4 instead of 4:3 or 90degree
dont know how to name it correct
dont know how to name it correct
you can call them "vertical" games.

or if you want to be a super dork you can call it "tate"(read: tah-tay) mode, as that's the Japanese term for it.

Normal monitor orientation is called "horizontal" (or "yoko" in Japanese)
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Funny thing, there was already a deco multi in 2008.


Are they very different?
The reason why this kit was made was because I bought a DECO cocktail table and I needed a multi kit to fix it but Widel disappeared off the face of the earth and no kits were available because he only made a few. Years of begging Darksoft finally paid off. lol
I don't want to hijack the thread but if somebody decide to make a batch of DECO to JAMMA adapters I would be very interested in one (or two if it helps the project to become a reality).
Received mine last week. My CT is in SC and I hope to get up there this week or next to install and check out this kit. Thanks again for all the work on it!
So I bought a Data East DECO Cassette System and a complete wiring harness that I want to use with the Darksoft Multi Kit.

I want to run this in a jamma cab, so my thinking is to convert the original wiring harness into a jamma adapter.

Anyone know if this will work? I have zero experience with the DECO system.

Please post any info or tips or if you know of someone who can make the jamma adapter.


yes, you can convert to JAMMA. That's what I did. Just check the wiring diagram it's not hard to find in Google.
It will work. It will just be ugly because the pcbs are powered from the bottom and the inputs, video and sound are all at the top.