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FOUND Donkey kong 3 in a Blue cab

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Dec 9, 2015
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Been looking for a Donky Kong 3 in an Original Nintendo blue cab (original parts / restored). I would take a blue DK cab and a DK3 install kit. Just been trying to find one without having to track down more parts to do a conversion.

Most of the DK3 I've seen available are in atomic orange cabs. Too loud for me. + I think it would be easier to just switch out the pcb and cp on a dk then re-painting a entire cab.
thanks man, appreciate it and pretty excited. finding one in a blue cab took some time. really wanted to avoid "defacing" anything original to do a conversion.

Dk3 was my favorite game at the arcade in the 80's

looks and fits really nice in this closet. just enough space for a blue vs. cab converted to jamma. - my next chase.
the dry wall under the bar on the other side of the room, I was thinking of painting it a nintendo Dk blue color. balance the room out.
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Cab looks in great condition! Probably the one woodie cab type I would own.
Probably the one woodie cab type I would own.
time spent finding this cab. I came to the opinion that N dk cabs are *like* the woodie ver. of a candy cab. You could really do a lot with them and they *fit* better in a home environment then generic midways and dynamos.

There are loads of them, *relatively* low cost barrier, high availability of replacement parts. Get a jamma converter board and you could do a lot with a cab. One of the smaller foot print woodie.

If someone wanted to have a few cabs in the house on the cheep. A few dk style cabs look great next to each other. Better then having a row of different cabs that looks like a dirty, miniature ninja warrior obstacle course against the wall.

You can fit two in a 49 inch wide closet. That's just a great way to maximize space.