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Multi Boyz Overlord
Multi Boyz
May 20, 2016
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Brisbane, Australia
So, from what I gather, there aren't any repros of these made and cracking seems to be a common issue with these cabs.

Was just wondering if anyone here had deep dived into the potential of getting this piece and the arts fabricated 1:1?

I've compiled a random smattering of reference photos sourced from google images below for reference. I know a few of the pics are from @fuzzbuddy, @Mrhide, etc.

Is this something you'd possibly consider doing @hursit -- there's a demand for them for sure either from E2 owners, or people wanting to convert their Atomiswave/Egret 3's into bootleg E2's.

Throwing this out there, in case there's anyone with the resources or know how that could get the ball rolling? I'm sure there'd be a nice line up of people willing to pay a pretty penny for even a decent reproduction.

Egret Panel 1.jpeg
Egret panel 3.jpeg
There was a Arcade Otaku group buy a while back where NOS illuminated panels were sold with a repro of the artwork. I sent the artwork to hursit a while back, but not the panel. Might be possible for the man to repro it these days, but I'll let him or anyone else chime in on the feasibility of it all.

My illuminated panel remains unused. I suppose it can be loaned for the cause if someone has the facility. I am thinking the only way it gets made is via resin casting.
@fuzzbuddy was the fella with the NOS panels and repro arts. I think even resin would be a good option these days, but need to consider materials that allow the right amount of light in for the illumination to look “right”.
There was a Arcade Otaku group buy a while back where NOS illuminated panels were sold with a repro of the artwork. I sent the artwork to hursit a while back, but not the panel. Might be possible for the man to repro it these days, but I'll let him or anyone else chime in on the feasibility of it all.

My illuminated panel remains unused. I suppose it can be loaned for the cause if someone has the facility. I am thinking the only way it gets made is via resin casting.

This is a dragon I've been chasing for years now. I was actually working with Zak on the last batch of art with the NOS blanks. Once the NOS blanks ran out, I sort of lost steam on it...

Funny to think that two people in Northern California were grinding away at this artwork. Curious to see where the shortcomings are on either side. For me, the biggest challenge has been the halftones. Specifically, the ones that bleed from the white stripes into the pink areas on the left and right.


I have a NOS IL (printed) panel to compare to for color accuracy. The pink background color is very tricky too because it's hard to match up the printed color vs what it looks like illuminated. The vinyl application will never have the same properties or opacity as screen printing. In my example above you can see the color is shifted to a brighter pink than you'd expect, and that is to solve the above-mentioned problem. It's still not right, and the disconnect between me working on art > sending it to someone in the UK to be printed > getting that test back > and comparing is insanely counter-productive and not optimal at all!


I wish whoever is working on this the best of luck, and if someone gets serious about molding the plastic correctly, please reach out.
Yes I've been looking into it a bit. Should be done with proper injection mold, resin wouldn't work that great so I've heard from my resin guru friend @ckong.
But injection molding has a hefty price tag. Have to compare a few different businesses.

About worries for the proper opacity with using vinyl instead of screen printing, I wouldn't be too worried. With modern UV inks (my) backlit marquees look very vibrant and opaque.

Also, the halftones in the design are no problem too. I am sure I can reproduce these very well.
I'll put this out there- anybody swapping on into an AWSD- hit me up and I'll buy your aswd topper lol. I don't want to see those things go to waste.

On a serious note- this is something that a lot of us can definitely use!
Hey guys
We already talked about this parts with some of the members last year
I can tell you this
İf you want a good reproduction, it has to be plastic injection mold as original.

And i beleive it is not possible for a little batch.
İt is not a small part, the mold will be very expensive. How many it will sell do you think ?
Nice @hursit — Given originals sell for hundreds of $ each, even up to $900 or whatever *EACH*. I think the cost of a big batch possibly could be offset by a premium price for the product?

If you had some rough math and numbers that would make it worthwhile. It might be a starting point to determine project feasibility.
So, from what I gather, there aren't any repros of these made and cracking seems to be a common issue with these cabs.

Was just wondering if anyone here had deep dived into the potential of getting this piece and the arts fabricated 1:1?

I've compiled a random smattering of reference photos sourced from google images below for reference. I know a few of the pics are from @fuzzbuddy, @Mrhide, etc.

Is this something you'd possibly consider doing @hursit -- there's a demand for them for sure either from E2 owners, or people wanting to convert their Atomiswave/Egret 3's into bootleg E2's.

Throwing this out there, in case there's anyone with the resources or know how that could get the ball rolling? I'm sure there'd be a nice line up of people willing to pay a pretty penny for even a decent reproduction.

Egret Panel 1.jpeg
Egret panel 3.jpeg
I see my images of the pins I remade and the panels I removed snuck in to the ref photos, nice :D The small pinball stoppers were Zak's idea meaning my panels are easily removable rather than sticking them on, would love to see something similar with some repros so they aren't one use as this sounds like a great project. I have a pair of Zak/Ekorz panels which I think are the ones Eric references above with NOS stickers and they are amazing, replaced my originals with them. I'd be potentially interested in a couple more should there be some accurate repros.
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I need two of those repro, I'm sure that any Egret 2 need one too, those panels are all yellowed and so fragile in these days and there is no one replacement all over the World.
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Nice @hursit — Given originals sell for hundreds of $ each, even up to $900 or whatever *EACH*. I think the cost of a big batch possibly could be offset by a premium price for the product?

If you had some rough math and numbers that would make it worthwhile. It might be a starting point to determine project feasibility.

I will need one of them as sample at the end.
for now, i will need detailed measurements please
then we can calculate something.
I will need one of them as sample at the end.
for now, i will need detailed measurements please
then we can calculate something.

Sincerely I hope you will do the job, I have received your astro side arts and are absolutely perfect, still I do not know if are the same or far better than the genuine ones, any other repros appear just ridiculous compared to the ones you have made.
Depending on the price they would end up on, I would need 2 just to have as backups if something happens to mine.
I will need one of them as sample at the end.
for now, i will need detailed measurements please
then we can calculate something.
@RealMFnG is this something you can help with? Also, if so, do you need any help with us chipping in to get the original to @hursit ?