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Apr 23, 2019
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Oulu, Finland
Basically any version or kit can be potential if the price is right! Ideal would be 1.5 full kit, but just loose PCB suits me too. Also "Another version" could fit my needs, so let me know if you have any for sell.

EU location preferred due the high customs outside, but if good set in good price is available outside, I might take it! I know there are some on Tops right now, but their price + proxy and customs are too much.

And if not Futari, I might consider the first game too.

Looking for a complete kit of Espgaluda 2. Location does not matter, if you have one for sale, let me know :thumbup:
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Not a bad price and the best version of the game IMO
wow they are at that price now? Ver. 1.5 and BL are to different version right?
Yea, I had multiple "partly complete" kits on my sight but wanted the whole set. That one is supposed to be NOS set so super happy about it!

Now I just need to find complete Espgaluda 2 kit and my CAVE graving should be satisfied...
1.5 and BL are different. BL:AV is different to BL and before Yaton found the deadstock it was a very hard one to find.

Given the number of kits that were found and sold in China, it’s become more “common” but the print run is very low and I seriously doubt there’s many more in China. Yaton certainly claimed he was out.

Regarding the price, it’s always been around what this kit just sold for in the past year. Significantly less a few years ago when they first were found (I got lucky and snatched one of the first ones when Yaton was testing the waters and paid $1000 USD flat total shipped). Many people bought the kits just to farm out the cardboard box too. That’s why you see this last run Cave box mismatched with so many earlier Cave games being sold. So don’t get stung paying the wrong price for a kit like that!
Given the number of kits that were found and sold in China, it’s become more “common” but the print run is very low and I seriously doubt there’s many more in China. Yaton certainly claimed he was out.
Some guy from cave-stg suspects that it might be this Yaton dude again:

@nassekova: it looks like you bought PCB #108, whereas the previous sale for the same price a few posts up was PCB #109 (200 were made). I wonder if this person has any more. It looks like either a new Yaton account or a Yaton proxy account (in which case he kept some kits to sell later because he knew the price would go up -- smart move) or someone who bought a few from Yaton a year or more ago and is now "cashing in"

Only 200 made, wow. :huh:

But I bought NOS Bee Storm kit from this same seller earlier, so unless that Yaton had those too this might be a different seller.
I am also interested in partial kits and just the PCB for Espgaluda 2!
1.5 and BL are different. BL:AV is different to BL and before Yaton found the deadstock it was a very hard one to find.

Given the number of kits that were found and sold in China, it’s become more “common” but the print run is very low and I seriously doubt there’s many more in China. Yaton certainly claimed he was out.

Regarding the price, it’s always been around what this kit just sold for in the past year. Significantly less a few years ago when they first were found (I got lucky and snatched one of the first ones when Yaton was testing the waters and paid $1000 USD flat total shipped). Many people bought the kits just to farm out the cardboard box too. That’s why you see this last run Cave box mismatched with so many earlier Cave games being sold. So don’t get stung paying the wrong price for a kit like that!
I think I am close to buying one of these boards but can someone explain what is BL"AV? so BL and BL:AV are different and this gentle man from China is selling BL:AV version? how can you tell? sorry for many questions.
I think I am close to buying one of these boards but can someone explain what is BL"AV? so BL and BL:AV are different and this gentle man from China is selling BL:AV version? how can you tell? sorry for many questions.
AV= "Another Version". It is what the International Version of this game is called. It shows 2009 as the date on the boot up screen and "Another Ver" on the title screen. The Japanese version has the year 2007 on the boot up screen.

The versions are identical except in AV the bosses are much weaker/easier in Original and Maniac modes. God mode is exactly the same in both versions.

The serial numbers are also different. All AV boards have serials that start with MFBA-. Japanese BL boards have serials that start with MMB- or CA-.
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thank you so much for the info!..
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