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Sep 5, 2018
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Long shot but does someone have a flyback or chassis for a Nanao ms2930? Or know where to get them? Monitor down and Mola in hand
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Replacement fly backs don’t exist for the 2930. You might get lucky and someone is parting out a chassis that still has a working flyback, but that’s about it.

I know there was a thread talking about replacement Chinese flybacks, however I don’t know if they ever got the seller to respond.
Thanks for the reply guys, I'm having a hell of a time trying to order from the site
Thanks for the reply guys, I'm having a hell of a time trying to order from the site
It requires a middleman, just like a lot of Japanese or Korean sites. There are a few sites, but I can't remember the one I'd been recommended off the top of my head.

@8bitforlife ordered from taobao a bit ago. He can recommend the site.
FYI, I ordered the MS2930 flybacks from Taobao seller. They may be fakes. The ones sent to my contact in China are labeled “MUS...”. The proper ones should be “MSU....”. Should wait till I confirm.

Working on clearing that up now.
do you want the vendor I used


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