I understand your point of view, and the logic behind it. I'd like to run by this scenario:Obviously 0 issue if that's decided to bring the post down.
There's a few different things I think
1) Price
I don't personally find a huge difference in someone listing a PS5 for more than retail the same way someone offers MK2 board for $500 it's more than I'd pay so I wouldn't respond to the thread or buy it.
2) Selling something that doesn't exist
If a darksoft cps1 kit obviously we're all happy for it and down
If a console or something else clearly might be an issue.
But, having said that, this is posted in the other video game goods. If someone posted a 3080 card that I didn't get and offered less than ebay for it I'd want to see it but that's just me.
I get it but at the same time I see stuff that I'm like hmm, that's more than I'd pay for that and I don't price police or say anything and move on.
Fine with whatever the judgement and hopefully no one is too offended as that's not the intention
If I post a sales thread for a Darksoft CPS1 multi for $1200 right now, is that cool?
If thats the case (which I'm fine with) my PS5 preorder is going on sale for 700 euros.