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Grand Master
May 7, 2017
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Southern California

Curious if anyone had a good documented resource around on calibrating a Nanao MS9. Ie, where the controls are on the chassis and order of operation/what I should be looking for. I'm familiar with the remote, but it's somewhat limited and I'd like to adjust the gamma a bit.

Thank you!
Brightness is adjusted by the SCREEN pot on the flyback.
You shouldn't be touching the screen pot to improve the brightness.

The screen pot should be adjusted using the guide in your second link under the "Defaults" and "Screen" section.

Once that's dialed in then you can go back and set the brightness pot where you want it. But if you run the screen pot too high for extended periods of time you can damage the monitor. Since the screen pot is really adjusting for the output of your flyback.

on the MS9 the Color Cut-off and gain controls as well as geometry adjustments are all along the edge of the chassis with the video input connector: https://wiki.arcadeotaku.com/images/4/48/MS9chassispots.jpg
what I do : pots to the max level of brightness and contrast, put a black image, no lights in the room, it should be almost white, adjust the screen pot on the flyback to get correct black, not too black. Then put an image with rgb colors with gradient on a pcb, I let one color at max and dial back the other pots to get see all shades of colors correctly balanced.

The main idea is I want my regular pots almost on max to get my screen pot on the minimum strain to the flyback.
My monitor is almost perfect, blacks are just a bit gray so I'm hoping the screen pot will be able to fix that (or something else back there, I'll use the guide).

Thank you all for the tips!
I guess my confusion with this picture: https://wiki.arcadeotaku.com/images/4/48/MS9chassispots.jpg

Is what all the pots on the right do. I'm not sure which one to use to darken the image a bit. When I had it recapped and calibrated it was adjusted and I should have asked for the black level to be corrected at the time, but I'm interested in learning to do it myself and learn more about these monitors in general. Any guidance on what these pots do would be awesome, ty!
Found something for anyone else looking: http://ikotsu.blogspot.com/2011/04/nanao-ms9-schematic.html

R CUT OFF : Red Cut Off
B CUT OFF : Blue Cut Off
G CUT OFF : Green Cut Off
SUB CONT : Sub Contrast
ABL : Automatic Brightness Limiter
HH.24 : Horizontal Hold 24 khz
HH.15 : Horizontal Hold 15 khz
PARA : Parallelogram
SPC 24 : Side PinCushion 24 khz
H.S.LIN : Horizontal Linearity
SPC 15 : Side PinCushion 15 khz
TRAP : Trapezoid
V.LIN : Vertical Linearity
V.S.Limit : Vertical Size Limit
I'm assuming in the wiki where is states 'Screen pot' it is referring to the pot on the flyback itself?

The guide is a little confusing as it states it is based on the MS8 chassis yet mentions a contrast pot in the 'Defaults' section (then there is no more talk of it), the MS8 doesnt even have a contrast pot.
imo contrast is same thing as gain, cutoff is same thing as brightness but declined in rgb to adjust each color

screen pot is referring to the flyback
imo contrast is same thing as gain, cutoff is same thing as brightness but declined in rgb to adjust each color
Yeah after a google search it seems that you would alter the RGB gains to adjust contrast hence why that guide confuses matters as it mentions RGB gains and contrast pots separate things
contrast is adjusting the 3 colors all in one for convenience
yeah but the MS8 which the guide is based on has no such pot
The biggest difference between the MS8 and MS9 is that the MS9 signals center at 0, while MS8 signals center at Vpeak/2. Consequently, adjusting the gain on the MS8 also moves the bias for the given color. On the MS9, you can set the black level correctly with the bias adjustments, and then move to doing color gain/contrast using the gain pots, and at the end, the single ganged contrast pot. The MS8 has no such luxury, so adjusting gain for a color fucks up the black level. For this, the MS8 is a turd for a generic candy cab.