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I'd definitely love a multi flash cart to be made that acts like a regular Naomi game cartridge
Yup that, even if the multi was only a kit that needed to be installed onto an existing Naomi game cart.
Trace cuts the whole 9 yards, I'd do it!
(Un-official to Official)
One day :P

Haven't touched NAOMI cart design for months now, but the prototype works great for playing :D

Hard to justify so much time and energy to hobby level projects when real business projects pay the bills, but I do have other things (not naomi related) coming sooner than later (with testers currently)
(Un-official to Official)
One day :P
Haven't touched NAOMI cart design for months now, but the prototype works great for playing :D

Hard to justify so much time and energy to hobby level projects when real business projects pay the bills, but I do have other things (not naomi related) coming sooner than later (with testers currently)
Take your time @@'brizzo' - when you are ready, we are ready... :)
I would definitely be in for at least one, preferably two if the cost isn’t too high!!! :D
I haven't read every single post, but depending on price, I'd be more than interested :)

I absolutely hate using the GDROM, and the netdimm+raspberry option also sucks IMHO.

(no,I don't wanna try CF).
Put me down for one for sure if it can support everything from Naomi 1/2 and Atomiswave.
Indeed.. I legit hope this has a GUI because the libraries between Naomi 1-2 and atomiswave are pretty solid
Will a donor game be required like the cps2 or will it replace the game board totally with sound ?
You need a CPS1 A-board, it don't matter which one you use (long/short/12mhz/10mhz).
The B and C boards won't be needed period.
thanks jassin000 for the quick reply.... i have made a total meal of this;
Will repost in correct thread.

Will not type replies on phone again...
hi i am interested in 1 of the naomi multikits. i don't really want to mess around with the complicated setup for netbooting.