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I honestly think unless you go for setup like groovy mame, pandora's box, or truly content with only a few games, the arcade scene would be out of reach for many with mortgages/dependents.

Real arcade PCBs are so expensive in general nowadays.
for many with mortgages/dependents.
For anyone really, rentals aren't cheap. I'm stuck in a situation where I don't have the money for the deposit, and even if I did no bank would allow me to borrow enough to buy the house I'm renting. Buying the house would cost 30+ years of rent (including inflation), I'm not taking a bet over such a long period of time. Where will I be? In what situation? Will I even still be there? People tend to think life expectancy is to be expected, which is huge mistake.
For anyone really, rentals aren't cheap. I'm stuck in a situation where I don't have the money for the deposit, and even if I did no bank would allow me to borrow enough to buy the house I'm renting. Buying the house would cost 30+ years of rent (including inflation), I'm not taking a bet over such a long period of time. Where will I be? In what situation? Will I even still be there? People tend to think life expectancy is to be expected, which is huge mistake.
dont worry bro. i got more multi's to buy. ill pay ur rent