The last 4 are still needed:
Daiku no Gensan (Japan)
Dragon Breed (World) - MCU labeled DB C-PR-B??
Gallop (Japan) -
Ninja Spirit (World) - MCU labeled NIN C-PR-B
Great news! Thanks to support from @Jag-Master another undumped M72 MCU is now preserved forever and added to MAME. It's the one from the pictures above: CC_C-PR-
We only got 3 MCUs left to dump. If you have any of these, please LET ME KNOW, so they can finally be preserved and emulation, documentation, repairs, etc. can be available from everyone to enjoy.
Daiku no Gensan (Japan)
Dragon Breed (World) - MCU labeled DB C-PR-B??
Ninja Spirit (World) - MCU labeled NIN C-PR-B