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Nov 14, 2015
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Hey folks, like the titles says I am looking for that game disc for the CPS3, if you happen to have one let me know, thanks.
Hey Derick. I have that disc. I'll have time to look for it Saturday.
Sweet Jugu, very much appreciated brother. PM what you want for it.

Just for reference, cause I mix these up all the time, I am missing the disc for the one on the left.

Oh crap. Now that you post that, not sure. I have a JoJo disc of some kind.
Yup, I have totally mixed these up before, I probably have the disc in one of the drives I have in storage but going through like 50 crates right now is out of the question :)

Other thing that could have happen was that I sold a drive to someone with the disc in it. I dont even remember what the disc is supposed to look like at this point.

If you can, please do check which one you have, I might get lucky and you have the right one. :D
I love how kinda janky the description of Stardust Crusaders is at the bottom
Okay, going by my memory of the colors of the disc I dont have the one you're looking for. I'll still look for it but I'm pretty sure it's not the right one.
Check if you can, I hope thats the right image, pull it off the net.
@jugu Update: Found the disc, only had to go through like 50 crates :) Thanks for help, Merry Xmas brother.

Man this thing is a bit rare, I have like five kits of the other JoJo, and only 1 copy of this one, now to send it off to a good home.

Glad you found it! I'm still going through a few boxes, haven't spotted it yet. But I'm pretty sure the disc I have is for Bizarre Adventure.