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DARKSOFT JVS documenting and backup

Today I’ve tried the new pcb’s
I have to tie pin 27 of the “27512” to gnd, to stop the complaining of my programmer, saying that it wasn’t connected.
But aside of this... It works!!!
Well, almost...
I can read my TMP90, but I can write on the new IC’s.
They read 00’s so I think they could be wmpty, but from the first byte, it says that doesn’t verify the contents.
I have to recheck all the datasheets, in cause we left something.
I saw on the bin file that I read from my TMP90 that in some places it says 1.06 and in others 1.07.
That’s why I tought @darklord that my version was different.
Well, almost...
I can read my TMP90, but I can write on the new IC’s.
They read 00’s so I think they could be wmpty, but from the first byte, it says that doesn’t verify the contents.
To write to an OTP the bytes have to be 0xff. "writing" involves setting a bit to 0.
That is correct if you read only 00s it means that it cannot be programmed at all :(
Maybe you need to do something extra to activate the CHIP in "WRITE" mode. Try forcing the OE pin HIGH so it wont allow any output. Maybe that helps.
Finally I got a little time to try this, fixing OE to High, but I got the same result.
Been trying to find "new" or nos TMP90's but no luck, everybody says that theirs are original and new, every time more expensive, but I can't be really sure, so... now it goes to stand-by.
Let me check the datasheet and see if I can see where the error comes from
Bumping up this old thread. If you have a Sega's JVS I/O with the TMP90PH44N, please check the 1st post of thread and if yours is not listed there, let us know!!! so we can preserve it.
