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Sep 28, 2021
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Severely MAME'd bonfire pit HS-1 build thread!

I had posted this day by day as it went on my website, so pulling from there to here. Get to see a short rundown on the progress from first getting it till now, and then going forward!

Little interesting backstory, I bought the thing on March 9th of 2021. I was not trying to spend anything cause around March of 2020 I was like shit.. I'm gunna try and buy a house. And I actually stuck to that really well. But when this HS-1 popped up, the guy said 20 bucks or he was just going to burn it.. I'm like well, I didn't want to buy cabs till I owned my own house and had a good space for em. But I can get this cheap and just take my time working on it. Throw a little at it here and there. Okay! Can't pass this up, why not! Also, I didn't like the idea of it getting burned..

When he first told me about the cab, I asked if he could send pictures first. These are what I got.



Now he also mentioned the panel did not come with it. So included was a photo of exactly what 20 bucks would get me.


As you can see, it's been chopped up a bit. I thought it was a Dynamo HS-1 but couldn't be sure without seeing it in pictures. Thought maybe it was a clone.

So the next day he was going to bring it up in his truck, no show. Had to do stuff. Next day, on a Friday he showed up. Came to my cube and said, hey on break I got the cab. We can take it over to your place after work. YES!

Ran outside and checked it out.


Already paid, so it was mine. Wanted to see how badly it was gutted inside. Pulled the acrylic off everything and discovered some fun stuff hiding behind the fugly (but well made) MAME art they had in there



Seeing the SN tag on there was super cool. Because the previous owner, who helped them mame the poor thing, bought it locally from the guy who had all the cabs from the Aladdin's Castle a block over from my house when I was kid.

Got the thing home. Some faded tags but definitely an HS-1.



Also you might notice.. Missing the back door! That's for how they fit this 17" computer monitor in there. But here it was as it was brought in.


Spent the entire next day working on the cabinet. A lot of time scrubbing all the years of junk off the outside


Oh, 10 image limit. Continuing in a reply! ^^
Then got some side art on there!


Not going to paint any of the chips or cuts into the paint. I actually like them. It's part of the character of the thing.

I didn't have the marquee yet but I did have one I wanted to test the lights out with (a friends). They thankfully left the original marquee lighting in place.

For some reason the 2 conductors were hanging out the front, rather then fed through the back. Quick fix there, and just wired nutted to an extension cord my bff hit with the lawn mower (LOL)


I thought it looks really good. Threw in a pair of LED bulbs. Current draw is .08A each, not bad!

The overspray on the marquee is really noticeable now. It's a shame. He never really noticed it till now.


Next step is audio! There are no speakers in this cab. The night before I put a B&C 6PEV13 in there to hear how it would sound.


I am just incredibly impressed by the sound of this cabinet. It would have been even better had the marquee been installed.

Got some video of this one.

I was really considering getting another of the B&Cs but decided not to. Got a pair of BOSS BRS52s. They were like 10$ a piece but decent drivers. I

figured if this cabinet has such good acoustics, it would do a pair of these very well with the marquee in place. And it certainly did!

Keeping these installed. (Ignore the yellow cable there, it was temporary for something else!)


Note from me now, I'm getting a second B&C speaker. They went crazy on sale again so why not!



Some more internal wiring. Leaving all the existing staples in place. Eventually I would like to make my board in there JAMMA compliant and get JAMMA harnessing in there.

At the time I was not too concerned with running boards in there. Knew it would be quite a while before I was set up for it, considering the state of the cab. So it would let me play on it while the build was going :D


Got my ground bus setup there. So I can ground anything metal that someone might touch. Coin Door housing, upper and lower door. Control Panel and power switch.


On Monday I'm going to try and get a plate made to mount my power switch up here.


Once the CP comes in, I can finally replace this structure that was lost from the MAME'ing of the cabinet before.

That shape is way wrong, and by no means is that a template ^^

Very glad the latches were left in place too


Once I have that cut and run the slot cutter through it, I can put fresh t molding on the whole thing.

My new stuff on the left and old on the right. It'll be a hell of an upgrade :3


I made my plate! Took it down to manufacturing at my company and had a chunk of scrap from the machine shops cut down and drilled to match the outline I caught from inside the cabinet.


The switch I highly recommend for it's voltage/current capability and the fact it's locking. So if someone is leaning on the cabinet with their arm up top and they feel something metal and try and move it, it just won't move. You have to pull up and flip it.


Switch is a Honeywell MS24658-23D, you can get them from 30-40 bucks. I happened to pull 3 off a scrap overhead panel from an Electronics Waste bin.


Made sure to buy several .187 grounding tabs. Don't want something failing in the switch and we get power across the bat on that thing.

Or anything else for that matter..


So now I've got power wired! Single flip of a switch and the whole thing fires back up!


Waiting on the CP. After I get that, the next step would be ordering mounting hardware.

Then I can put it up and figure out the missing structure that needs rebuilt.

I won't be able to touch the CP till I get the overlay and know where my holes are going.
My panel came in! Completely untouched. Not a single hole except for the mounting brackets and CP latches.


Not scratches, there's a piece of foam stuck in there. And it's dusty, but those are no actual marks! :)

Most importantly... The fit is incredible. I'm so glad the old latches didn't get pulled out.


Now the next step. Start modeling out these sides and get these re-constructed.


Once the CPO comes in, I can do my drilling. That's about a week away. (This is what I thought lol)

So I should have these sides fixed and all new t molding on the cabinet before then! (Also what I thought)
I started to work on restoring the old gutted coin door. Was just a frame with two doors, not even locks on them.

But what showed up today? Replacement labels for the ones that were completely faded white!



It's going to hard to have much to say about it, but here we gooooo!



Just dripping in Coin Controls parts


After getting the mechs and everything installed, it was time to ground the whole thing.

Did a continuity test from the tab I added to the key locks, then a spot where some paint was scratched away on the frame.

Everything on this assembly will be completely grounded.


Once everything was assembled and tested, it was time to mount it!

But I didn't have any help so I had to hold the door in place with an old computer (LOL)




I know the cabinet has to feel good. It's been long overdue to get this kind of treatment. I've been really enjoying this.

I've got someone who will weld the studs in the CP for me. I spoke with the company who does the CPOs and they can provide me with a template

for the SFII 6 Button Layout so I don't have to trash an actual CPO to figure out my drilling.

Got all my cuts figured out. Woke up and jumped right on working on the cabinet!

It took a lot of templating. The cuts on either side were at different angles.

It look about 4 hours to get the entire thing down.

Some photos of that whole process,






Going to hold off on painting yet.

I want to blend the paint to keep this stuff seamless. The goal is so nobody will know those sides were chopped out.

I just bought this! Well, ordered!

Went to go look at the situation for mounting this. Here is how they set it up for a computer monitor.

They did a really good job figuring out the angle and monitor to get it nicely fit to the outer bezel.


They did throw away the plastic inner bezel though which stinks.

You can see how they screwed in a bunch of 2x4s to support it.


One of the original mounts for the monitor mounting board still exists here,


I can see where the others were once located but pulled out. I'm not sure why they did that.

Maybe another monitor they were experimenting with didn't fit, or they just figured make as much room as possible.

But there is a faint outline of where they once sat,


Then a few days later some more stuff came in.




Drilling template (Escapepodonline Provided this, inquire on panel templates if you need one! They said they got a ton)


At some point when I get a chance here, I'll start cutting that down and get it centered and applied to the panel.

Then can come drilling!


Then the 19" monitor frame showed up,


Marquee lit and looking at CE on the 17" rando computer monitor



Trimmed down the drilling template and got that attached perfectly



A friend pressed a nut inside a 1-1/8" washer so I could find the center point of the holes


And setup for drilling!




And this is where we are now!


I play Fightcade on it a lot XD and nope sides still not there! 1P/2P wired up with a couple brook boards. On the sides though, a friend found a place that can actually cut those complex shapes for me. That has been a lot tougher then I thought it would be to have done. Short of buying a bandsaw myself. But yes, pretty dope.

Still a lot to do, so this is wide open now. Will post updates when they come! And I'm hoping that's going to be in a couple of days. Once I get these sides done, I'm going to have the monitor board cut, then back door. Then I can drop something in the frame and mount that to the board and start wiring it for JAMMA.

So yah, questions/comments super welcome! I'm hoping this will inspire other crazy ass dynamo kids or other people getting totally flipped inside out machines and see like yeah alright, so worth it lol

I would of done an introduction first, but that's a long one ^^ Hopefully interesting. And looking forward to it. But a build thread I thought would be better to do first >:D

K, Bye!!
i came to see what a mess you had purchased, and got completely distracted by the TRS80-model3 :D
Haha! Yeah someone gave me a few of those. I just have two left and a Coco 2 xD

On Friday I'm finally getting my side pieces cut! Looking forward to getting those in. Also found a place to do the monitor frame mounting board!
The project stopped here. What happened next? How was the final build?
The project stopped here. What happened next? How was the final build?

Well crap.. Thanks for reminding me! I had a ton of pics of the progress on this.. Just went through my phone hoping I still had them. Thought I had a draft saved for this to come back to, but not seeing anything.

So it's not completely done, but did get the sides finished!

Wow. This sucks. Had pictures of those cardboard templates cut out of birch, then all fitted in place, pics of filling and blending the wood. But you can lean on it all day, punch it, kick it, drag the cab by those sides and no problem.

I am working on the monitor mount though, so once I have it all opened up for that, I can get pictures and detail those parts. Odds are, it'll be rare that someone runs into the same thing and needs it, but you never know..


Found two addition pictures! One is just a dry fit showing how the 3 pieces go together. You have the part where the CP rests, the outside and the "new" piece which is the brace to bolt it all together. This way it can be sturdy as if it were still solid.

Then a picture of the inside with them mounted.


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Looks awesome.
Can I ask where did you buy the blank Control Panel?
I really could do with a new one

Thank you
Looks awesome.
Can I ask where did you buy the blank Control Panel?
I really could do with a new one

Thank you
Heya! I got it on ebay from "gene-vintagearcade". You can email him and ask for a blank, that's all he had listed before. Now it looks like he's doing them pre-drilled. I think I got the blank for 180.00 but no idea how much your pricing will change with it not being drilled.

Dynamo HS 1, 2 or HS 9 brand new reproduction control panel 6 button layout