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Feb 19, 2024
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United States
I've had a Blast City with an MS 2930 monitor inside for a couple of months. I've managed to get a stable Mister Jammix set up in 15khz mode via Jamma. 31khz however, has not worked the entire time I've had it. Any attempts to hook up a 31khz output to the monitor via VGA yields the same result: no power to the monitor. The rest of the cabinet functions perfectly, lights turn on, speakers work, PSU fan on etc, but the monitor refuses to turn on when the dip switches on the remote board are set for 31khz. The tube makes a buzz/static noise every time an attempt is made but ultimately it doesn't seem as if power ever reaches the tube. Sometimes you can hear the tube discharge but I've never felt static coming from the screen trying to do this.

The chassis has been recapped and serviced, the exact history of which I'm not entirely sure. However I know the flyback is original. There was evidence of the "black goop" leakage happening at some point on the chassis tray but there's no trace of the stuff on the board. I also know that 31khz was functioning just fine up until maybe a month or so before I acquired it.
Dip switch settings are always as follows when trying 31khz:

1 - Off
2 - Off
3 - On

I've attempted to connect a Dreamcast to Toro box in VGA mode, hooked up to the monitor via VGA as well as a Mister outputing 31khz over VGA, hooked up to the monitor via VGA to no avail.

Changed the toro box / Mister to output in 15khz and hooked them up over VGA with the right dip switch settings ( 1 - Off, 2 - On, 3 - On) and they function perfectly fine, monitor powers on and I get a stable picture, so that rules out the devices themselves and the VGA cable.

Before I take this thing to get looked at again, I just want to know if anyone could provide some insight to this specific issue. If anyone could point me to something I can check on the chassis to figure out why this is happening I would be very grateful. I'm willing to troubleshoot but I have no idea where to start.

To reiterate - in 15 khz mode everything functions well, the picture is nice, adjustments on the remote board work as they should, speakers fine in mono and stereo, zero issues. This is over VGA and Jamma as well.

Thanks for your consideration.
I’m having the exact same issue if you figured out what the solution was to this problem please let me know. I don’t mind playing in 15 kHz but would like the option of playing in 31 kHz
Maybe a silly question, but what happens if you turn the machine on with the dips set to 15khz and then flip it to 31khz? Does the monitor lose power?
not a good idea, good chance you damage the monitor you have to change the resolution with the monitor off.
not a good idea, good chance you damage the monitor you have to change the resolution with the monitor off.
Absolutely no issues here, done it many times on my Blast troubleshooting Windows PC and downscaler issues. Not sure why changing the resolution would cause any issues unless you are feeding it a weird signal.
I've read its not a good idea and with these monitors being as finicky as they are im to scared to try it
Maybe a silly question, but what happens if you turn the machine on with the dips set to 15khz and then flip it to 31khz? Does the monitor lose power?
I've also been advised not to do this. Interesting to hear you've done it as a test. What reactions have you gotten from doing that aside from losing sync?
I've also been advised not to do this. Interesting to hear you've done it as a test. What reactions have you gotten from doing that aside from losing sync?
Let me be clear and say I'm not endorsing it, but I also don't think it'll cause problems as a test! Auto-sync monitors flipped between 15 and 31 all the time with Saturn games for example (a bit different than a 2930, of course).

When I flip between the two (if for example I'm using a 15khz input and flip to 31khz) it'll just flip to an out of sync (usually colors scrolling fast) image, happens immediately.
So got my monitor to work on 31 khz.I had originally plugged the vga cable from my naomi mobo into my capcom I/O. My dip switch settings were all correct on the naomi and cp panel with switch 3 on 15 amp connector. I took my vga cable out from my capcom I/O and installed it directly to the ms 2930 vga connector on the chassis. I then changed dipswitch 3 to D sub on my cp panel and BAM it worked first try. Now if i could only get my naomi to boot without error 22 half the time id be living the dream
So got my monitor to work on 31 khz.I had originally plugged the vga cable from my naomi mobo into my capcom I/O. My dip switch settings were all correct on the naomi and cp panel with switch 3 on 15 amp connector. I took my vga cable out from my capcom I/O and installed it directly to the ms 2930 vga connector on the chassis. I then changed dipswitch 3 to D sub on my cp panel and BAM it worked first try. Now if i could only get my naomi to boot without error 22 half the time id be living the dream
Did you do this while the cab was on? I've been basically trying to hook up a 31khz source directly to the chassis via VGA this entire time and can't get it to work like you're describing.
Ok so after having it on for almost 3 hrs the screen is trying to turn off so I’m starting to think it had something to do with the hv circuit. I’m going to do a cap kit first and report back. Mine would always give me sound whether the screen was black. It also make a weird noise when it doesn’t want to work when I turn it on. Can you take a video of yours maybe we can get a better idea of what’s going on
Ok so after having it on for almost 3 hrs the screen is trying to turn off so I’m starting to think it had something to do with the hv circuit. I’m going to do a cap kit first and report back. Mine would always give me sound whether the screen was black. It also make a weird noise when it doesn’t want to work when I turn it on. Can you take a video of yours maybe we can get a better idea of what’s going on

Here are a few clips of what happens when I try to to turn the cabinet on in 31khz mode.