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Sep 15, 2016
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Bay Area, California, USA
Hey all... picture on this MS8 looks excellent (it’s in my Pony Mark III with 25” crt)

However... one last issue is some slowly moving/scrolling diagonal lines. Any thoughts? It’s hard to get a pic, but here’s a closeup.


That photo makes the lines look DARKER than they are in person, but you get the point. :)
I have a MS8 in a Madonna and it had some diagonal line interference...turned out to be a ground wire(earth) that was connected to the replacement PSU. Dunno if it's gonna harm the CRT over time, but at least the pic was clear now that I unhooked it.
I have a MS8 in a Madonna and it had some diagonal line interference...turned out to be a ground wire(earth) that was connected to the replacement PSU. Dunno if it's gonna harm the CRT over time, but at least the pic was clear now that I unhooked it.
I had a similar effect happen with a mame pc in a blast. Grounding the PC properly eliminated the interference. So +1 check your video grounding.
Thanks! I’m going to check the monitor grounding first.
The chassis ground has continuity to the main ground, but the wire is SOOO thin. I added another, thicker wire to a chassis screw and hooked it into the main ground on the PSU. It helped a little?
Bad PSU can also cause scrolling lines down the image.
If have had it myself with my stock Cyberlead PSU and MS9

Also iirc @Sp33dFr34k had it as well with some ATX PSU he used for his Naomi/netdimm setup
Any recommendations for a good PSU? This one’s build quality is sort of shit, I would be happy to swap it out anyway.
Got it!! Wired from chassis metal screw to PSU ground and from cabinet body to PSU ground. Lines gone!
Any recommendations for a good PSU? This one’s build quality is sort of shit, I would be happy to swap it out anyway.
You could just recap the one that's in there with quality parts. Full on replacement is likely unnecessary.
It’s definitely newer, just generic low quality one.
Looks like you solved it. But yeah, a little known secret in American woodies is bridging Common to Field Ground.