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Oct 23, 2019
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EDIT: I think I don't have any problems, disregard.

I just got a new to me MS9-29 chassis and it seems to work almost fine. I've got two problems with it that I don't have on the same tube, same remote board, with another of the same chassis.

1. The image is too wide horizontally. Even at min horizontal size adjustment on the remote board, the image is overscanning. I can fix it with the HS LIM pot on the chassis, but then it seems like horizontal linearity is really bad at the sides. I fixed this by moving the horizontal width jumper to normal (it was on wide).

2. The image is not tall enough vertically. At the max adjustment on the remote board the image is not tall enough. I was able to fix it by adjusting VS LIMIT on the chassis with no other ill effects.

3. The screen adjustment is very touchy. If it's too low i get no picture, and if its just a little too high it's totally white. I've found a decent looking sweet spot. I've never had to adjust an MS9 beyond the contrast knob before. I'll follow Mike's adjustment instructions http://mikejmoffitt.com/pages/ms9-hax/ but again I wanted to mention this incase it's relevant to the first problem.
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