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What great news! That's even better! At least this will clear things up and you'll be able to reproduce it without issues! Thank you nem and joeks 🙏🏼
Packaging is serious business.
Specially for parts that are 30+ years old. Better safe than sorry!
@nem @mob-z received the parcel today, thanks Nem! This package is in my top 5 best packaged parcels ever :)
will start on it shortly and keep you updated.
Looking forward to this! Please satisfy my OCD and let me know if my assumptions are correct 😝 Keep me posted.
Last edited:
I had some time this weekend to draw the Marquee holder and the marquee base holder. Special thanks to @nem for providing precise measurements and @joeks for providing feedback. I would appreciate any feedback on the drawings.

For whomever want to laser cut the parts, please feel free to use these drawings.

I am still to work on the front panel of the marquee holder, which hopefully I will work on this weekend.

Also, please refer back to post #1 and #16 to know exactly how these parts would look like after cutting.


  • base 1.pdf
    16.1 KB · Views: 10
  • base.pdf
    4.7 KB · Views: 9
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Good job mob-z! I've scanned the marquee holder plastics, need to finish the drawings and start laser cutting the parts.