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Sep 16, 2016
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Hi everyone,

I need to do a capkit for my new cab. It is the MVS U4 33 inch with original monitor and chassis.

Has anyone a list for the needed capacitors?

Arcade Parts and Repair doesn't sell to Europe at all. You would have to use a forwarder.

Why not just catalogue the caps yourself and then order them from Digikey, Mouser or RS? Pick +105℃ caps from Nichicon, Panasonic or Rubycon. Skip the main filter cap. You can't really go wrong.
If you do go down this route, please paste the list in the capacitor list thread too. Will help others who come across the same thing in future
They don’t make the list public but Arcade Parts and Repair in the US sell a kit for that monitor


I would think it will come with a list for installation though

Arcade Parts and Repair doesn't sell to Europe at all. You would have to use a forwarder.

Why not just catalogue the caps yourself and then order them from Digikey, Mouser or RS? Pick +105℃ caps from Nichicon, Panasonic or Rubycon. Skip the main filter cap. You can't really go wrong.
Since I cannot order them I need to check them by myself. Could have saved some time if someone else already had that list. Also not sure if the 29 chassis and 33 chassis is identical?
I hoped someone here did the recap already and could have posted it.

If you do go down this route, please paste the list in the capacitor list thread too. Will help others who come across the same thing in future
Sure, will do!
Please show this beast of arcade monitor! This should be pretty rare!

My friend has the APAR kit at his shop for his U4 33. I can take a picture of the list when I'm there next.
I would like to ask for a favor. Since the decals are in a bad shape, I ordered a full decal set.
Now I need a fotograph to see where they are located exactly. Could you ask your friend please, or can somebody else help out?
I would like to ask for a favor. Since the decals are in a bad shape, I ordered a full decal set.
Now I need a fotograph to see where they are located exactly. Could you ask your friend please, or can somebody else help out?
Sadly, his cabs are in poor shape. Rusted and missing most of the decals. I think he moved them to his long term storage several hours away, but the cap kits were still at his shop.
Sadly, his cabs are in poor shape. Rusted and missing most of the decals. I think he moved them to his long term storage several hours away, but the cap kits were still at his shop.
I see, thanks anyway!