No problem, Franco. I'm looking forward to playing the emulator, but I'm willing to wait. Thank you for making Namco System 3xx emulation a reality.Important update from me and my team:
Hi everyone, for those who have been very patient lately with any progress on this project, thank you a lot! We have been dealing with our own personal stuff lately which has prevented us from getting together lately. Most of you seem to also not understand that we have personal responsibilities to deal with.
That being said, we might have to postpone the project for a bit, not sure for how long but hopefully not by the end of this month. If we keep seeing more inconvenient and/or rude stuff show up on this thread, I will ask the mods to step in and lock this thread. Once again, thank you everyone who’s been following the project, your patience, and please excuse the delays.
First of all, how did you even come across this in the first place? The build that you are using is coming from Franco and the rest of the team, and it's not meant to be released to the public yet. And that's not to mention the many games/dumps that you are running on this emulator are coming from the wonderful people on the team also. You should be ashamed posting this on the Arcade Projects without any respect or what they do for all of us.Some Tekken Tag unlimited i say but i hope tekken 6 may emulate someday.... thanks who work this kind of ARCADE.. hope someday will release some more......
Happy viewing