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Oct 23, 2019
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I'm looking for a Naomi or preferably a Naomi 2 mobo, as well as a net dimm and zero pic.

I'd also be interested in one or more the following Naomi games if I can't come across a net dimm:
Monkey Ball
Gundam Federation Vs Zeon DX
Virtual On Oratorio Tangram

Update: I got a Naomi 1 mobo and net dimm. I'm still looking for a Naomi 2 and net dimm though.
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I've seen several Gundam Naomi gdroms are eBay for about $60.

As for Monkeyball good luck. If you ever find someone with a copy ask them if they have lupin the 3rd:the shooting for me 😅
I traded one just yesterday, but I may have one more- it just needs testing (and a zero key since it was with a GDROM setup).

I can find OP if I sort this out soon.
I found a Naomi 1 and Net Dimm, so I'm not looking for the games anymore.

I'd still like to find a Naomi 2, though it's not a priority anymore. I do however want to find another net dimm. I'm trying to put together 4 of them for 4 player games.