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Jan 14, 2019
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I've got a pretty strange issue with a NAOMI running CVS2 via GD-ROM. I currently have the system running linked in New Delta cabs. The issue I'm having is that all of the switches (even coin and test/service switches) just stop working after a random period of time (it may be one hour or four...). When this happens, it appears to be just fine visually running in attract mode. I'm running this on location, so it's basically unusable in this state.

When it is in this switch lock state, pulling the USB on the NAOMI does not trigger a "I/O error". I have also checked the voltages in while in this state and everything seems fine.

It is currently running off the stock PSU's in the cab. I have re-capped the power filters for the 3.3V PSU, and have calibrated it to exactly 3.3V under load. I did this because I have heard how picky the system is with power supplies, and wanted to remove that possibility. The 12V and 5V has been calibrated under load and seem to be pretty stable.

Another thing to mention, is that when I first got this system, It was having random "I/O board not found" errors. In an attempt to correct this, I have...
- Used all new USB cables. Both from NAOMI to JVS I/O in the master cab, and from JVS I/O master to JVS I/O slave
- Replaced all the soldered USB jacks on the JVS I/O boards, and on the NAOMI itself
This error still comes up every once in a while, but it's not nearly as persistent as before. Because of the steps I took to correct this, I'm starting to believe it's not because of a USB connectivity issue.

Has anybody else come across an issue like this? It's a strange one. I was thinking maybe the JVS I/O board in the master cab, but my logic is that the I/O board should just flat out work or not... Any thought or suggestions would be appreciated!!! Thanks
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The easiest way to solve this is via trial and error.

Start with swapping out the JVS I/O. If the problem persists then the issue is most likely with the Naomi.
I think it might be the River Service JVS IO. I remember mine having some weird quirks as well.

You could replace it with a Sega IO, but you will have to rewire some things. My New Deltas are in storage, so unfortunately I can't help you with instructions on how to do this.
You can run the JVS patched version @MetalliC made for me/us (only available for NetBooting however, no GDROM).
IDK if it will solve the issue with the Riverservice JVS, but it makes the Taito JVS IO work (where the game only hangs without the patch).

Without patch...

With patch...
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Interesting. Alright, i didn't know there were compatibility issues with different JVS I/O boards. I'll see about getting a different one and swapping it out. I assume it can either be the master or slave cab causing this right?
You can run the JVS patched version @MetalliC made for me/us (only available for NetBooting however, no GDROM).
IDK if it will solve the issue with the Riverservice JVS, but it makes the Taito JVS IO work (where the game only hangs without the patch).

Without patch...

With patch...
Thanks for the image of the patched version, I appreciate it; But where I'm running this, netbooting just isn't an option.
But where I'm running this, netbooting just isn't an option.
Don't be so sure... A simple Raspberry Pi mounted to the top of a Naomi works great and does nothing to increase the footprint or introduce any more wires.
If anything you'll find it much more compact than a GDROM setup, much more reliable too.

If legality is a concern, keep your GDROM and original Disc (inside the cab just not connected).
That's all Sega themselfs required as proof of ownership when they launched the official CF reader.
I didn't see OPs getting doors kicked in and dragged away to prison for running CFs.
The cab is made by River Service, so yes.
I realized this later, totally forgot it was a RS cab. We were talking about it last night, and it struck me in the middle of the conversation that I'd already known that, funny how your brain works.

If legality is a concern, keep your GDROM and original Disc (inside the cab just not connected).
That's all Sega themselfs required as proof of ownership when they launched the official CF reader.
I didn't see OPs getting doors kicked in and dragged away to prison for running CFs.
Nobody is worried about going to prison, but the kind of stuff we don't blink at running at home doesn't really fly in a corporate managed environment. Locations play by different rules, not a good idea to do things that can get back to the companies you work with.

And you'd be surprised what gets back to them. They've got professional snitches on payroll lol.