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What are you trying to do? It doesn't let you play Naomi games with a Dreamcast controller, outside of a couple of games that have specific support for it. There are slightly more games that can read data from a VMU that is plugged into a controller.
You can't. That's not what the adapter is for. If a game wasn't programmed to support the DC controller over the Maple bus (maybe 3 or 4 games total? Genuinely can't remember which do), it will never work.

You'd have to wire up the d-pad and button inputs to the JVS I/O directly. You'll probably run into problems as L and R are analogue triggers, but buttons 5 and 6 are digital on JVS.
The purpose of the adapter is to let Naomi games that can use the VMU (e.g. MvC2, Spawn, Powerstone 2) read the VMU through the connected pad. Naomi keyboards are also connected through the Maple bus and are wired identically, so you can plug in a home DC keyboard to play the arcade version of Typing of the Dead or Lupin: The Typing. It's not Mitsu's fault that you didn't understand what is and what isn't supported on the game side of things.
As a general rule, no.

Capcom occasionally programmed in the ability for their games to be controlled by the DC controller on a per-game basis, but it was literally only a couple of games they did this for. I believe Spawn: In The Demon's Hand is one of them, I can't remember the others, if there are any - maybe someone else has a definitive list. If you've tried others and they don't work, that's your answer.
You don't need to do anything once you've turned it on in the test menu. If the game doesn't support reading data from a VMU, it won't do anything or provide you with any options. There are only a few games that do. I also believe that the VMU reading functionality was removed from any non-Asia release, so the English-language Naomi version of Powerstone 2 won't offer you any options either..

If the game supports using a DC controller to control the game, it should just work as long as the pad was connected when the Naomi was powered up. Remember: almost no games support it. I was wrong about Spawn supporting the controller, it turns out it was Heavy Metal Geomatrix that does.

This thread on another forum has more information: https://forum.arcadeotaku.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=26535
Doesnt MVC have controller support though? I know it has VMU support for sure. It's been a long time since I used a DC controller and of course I cant find mine now to help him.

Do you have a VMU, Mavinnom?

More games support the VMU function than actual controls. My sales thread makes it clear only a few games support controls. But I could have sworn the Capcom fighters all did. I'm pretty sure I played zero 3 upper last time I had my DC controller.
When you boot MVC2 in Japan mode with VMU turned on do you see the MVC2 logo on the VMU screen?
im tyrig to get the mple adaper to work,i have set my dips to jap bios. seen the options, tried capcom and sega vm kit and nothing. so what am i missing?
can any one help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :/
What game are you trying to play with the DC controller?
Hes trying to play MVC2. I thought it was controller compatible.
It is, only in JPN mode and with the Capcom VM kit setting. Make sure the controller is plugged in before you power on the Naomi. Also, what bios version are you using?
Here is my process with a JPN revision H bios

Plug in DC controller to Maple Bus

Power on Naomi and boot up MvC2 (for example)

Press the Test Menu button

Go into Game Test Mode

Select Game Configuration

Change the VM Type to Capcom

Save and Exit

Exit Test Menu and play
Does the game even load?

Do you have an I/O board?

Last thing I recommend is to unplug the controller and plug it back in after the game loads up.
Those pics are hella tiny - if you use a hosting service we can see a bit better, but the setup looks fine as far as I can see. I seem to remember there being a jumper related to MAPLE....

quick search says JP13, should be at 2,3 instead of 1,2 - maybe check that?
If you did the soldering on that adapter yourself, I would check for a short between the pins, the pins that go to the controller port are pretty flexible and you might have shorted two together. Or even melted a bit of solder and had it run down into the port and shorted two together. Not saying that is what it is, but its something to test if you have a spare DMM laying around. If you bought the adapter fully assembled then never mind my idea.

This was from a quick search on sega-naomi site.

JP13 is the ground connection for the Maple bus (should be left at 2-3)

worth checking out also.


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