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Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

I'm using the latest Naomi 2 multi bios.

It gets stuck on the NAOMI Now loading screen for me. Regardless of region. It's the only game that does this.
So usually it goes

- NAOMI SHOWS NOW LOADING (rom is transferring)
- NAOMI REBOOTS <<< it never does this step.

I don't think i'm even getting to the point where the bios region type matters. Either way it doesnt work on JP or World setting
What bios are you using? Have you tried the Japanese C/H vanilla bios just to be sure? That's what I am using and it works here.
Can anybody confirm V4 or V5 Card reader emulation works? I tried with Initial D V3 and I cannot get the reader to work. Best effort I had was initialization and then connection error.

Pi3B+ with proper wiring RS232 to USB and all Naomi Jumpers set correct. I guess at least. Last one is to the right and the ones above on the left.
Can anybody confirm V4 or V5 Card reader emulation works? I tried with Initial D V3 and I cannot get the reader to work. Best effort I had was initialization and then connection error.

Pi3B+ with proper wiring RS232 to USB and all Naomi Jumpers set correct. I guess at least. Last one is to the right and the ones above on the left.
I have the exact same issue. I could only get the F-Zero AX one to work after installing pyserial and running it manually with python3.
Can anybody confirm V4 or V5 Card reader emulation works? I tried with Initial D V3 and I cannot get the reader to work. Best effort I had was initialization and then connection error.

Pi3B+ with proper wiring RS232 to USB and all Naomi Jumpers set correct. I guess at least. Last one is to the right and the ones above on the left.
I have the exact same issue. I could only get the F-Zero AX one to work after installing pyserial and running it manually with python3.
did you hook up anything to dcd?(pin 1 on rs232) when I hookup gnd to it, it starts initialization and then after like 10 seconds shows connection error. If I connect everything as it should be it always shows connection error.

Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4


Maybe throw up a running changelog in the first post, if you can be bothered!
Ok got your image with the joystick games only, which is based to WiPi V5 correct?! Everything set up correctly and booted up.

Im using an Rpi 3B+ with the recommended touchscreen.

So here's what is not working for me related to the home wifi setup.

If you go to setup access to your home wifi via the touchscreen, you can select the scanned networks from the dropdown menu,
but you can not type in a password using the touchscreen, I guess a virtual keyboard is not accessible through the touch interface??

Ok, I worked around it by plugging in a usb keyboard and you can type the password in ok.

also, if you connect to via your phone you can select the your home wifi and setup it you that way as you can type in your password via your phones interface.

Ok, so finally had the pi reboot and connect to my home network, I can see it listed in my devices and its ip address,


But, cant connect to it using browsers on the phone or pc. It just does not connect at all, although it shows up on the network.

There is no way to restore the hotspot other than rewrite the image to the SD car??

@chunksin Any ideas on this? Would love to just have the pi hooked up to the home network.
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That's what I expected, but didnt work for me, so im hoping someone cant try it out and see if it works for them.
Thanks for checking, I will try again tomorrow. Maybe I have something on my network blocking access.

Agree, would love to set a static IP on it. Will probably have my router just reserve an ip for the Pis mac address.

Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4


Maybe throw up a running changelog in the first post, if you can be bothered!
Ok got your image with the joystick games only, which is based to WiPi V5 correct?! Everything set up correctly and booted up.
Im using an Rpi 3B+ with the recommended touchscreen.

So here's what is not working for me related to the home wifi setup.

If you go to setup access to your home wifi via the touchscreen, you can select the scanned networks from the dropdown menu,
but you can not type in a password using the touchscreen, I guess a virtual keyboard is not accessible through the touch interface??

Ok, I worked around it by plugging in a usb keyboard and you can type the password in ok.

also, if you connect to via your phone you can select the your home wifi and setup it you that way as you can type in your password via your phones interface.

Ok, so finally had the pi reboot and connect to my home network, I can see it listed in my devices and its ip address,


But, cant connect to it using browsers on the phone or pc. It just does not connect at all, although it shows up on the network.

There is no way to restore the hotspot other than rewrite the image to the SD car??

@chunksin Any ideas on this? Would love to just have the pi hooked up to the home network.
Can you see the website being displayed on the touchscreen? If so the script was worked correctly because your IP has changed and the web server is running fine. The only way to recreate the hotspot is to reimage, this was intended as a one way operation, you choose at the point of install. You can also switch networks by editing the wifi.txt file in the /boot partition, just add your SSID followed by a space followed by your wifi password, save and boot up the Pi. If your SSID contains a space be sure to enclose in double quotes.
Thanks for checking, I will try again tomorrow. Maybe I have something on my network blocking access.

Agree, would love to set a static IP on it. Will probably have my router just reserve an ip for the Pis mac address.
No problem.I'm sure you can set a static IP, just need to be mindful that there is probably 2 network settings. 1 for wifi and 1 for ethernet. Just need to set it on the Wifi part. It'll be in a config somewhere... somewhere that i can't seem to find!
You can SSH onto the Pi and set a static address for your wifi network in the standard /etc/network/interfaces file. I can always add an option in the next version to do that via the webpage.
I have the 16x2 screen on my pi, and I have noticed while it still works with v4 and v5, the backlight does not light up for some reason. Does anyone know if there is a config setting I can set to light it up? If I load an old version of PiForce tools it still lights up.

Also, I loaded up @Murrays image with the joystick games only and noticed Ikaruga is missing?? That surely had to have been overlooked. ;)

Thanks for all the hard work on these builds, its greatly appreciated!
Ah, gotcha, thanks for the heads up!

Can anybody recommend a good 3.5 touchscreen, or do we all just prefer the Adafruit 16x2 LCD?
Thanks for checking, I will try again tomorrow. Maybe I have something on my network blocking access.

Agree, would love to set a static IP on it. Will probably have my router just reserve an ip for the Pis mac address.
No problem.I'm sure you can set a static IP, just need to be mindful that there is probably 2 network settings. 1 for wifi and 1 for ethernet. Just need to set it on the Wifi part. It'll be in a config somewhere... somewhere that i can't seem to find!
You can SSH onto the Pi and set a static address for your wifi network in the standard /etc/network/interfaces file. I can always add an option in the next version to do that via the webpage.
Thanks for that info, what's the root password to get in via SSH? Or other user account password? I tried the default dietpi details root:dietpi but it doesn't let me in. dietpi:dietpi doesn't work either.
Sorry if this seems like a noob thing, my linux/pios understanding is very little.
Could someone please guide me here? My Naomi 2 is stuck at "Now Loading" screen after a reboot each time I launch a game.

DIMM IP(4.02):, Sub:
Netdimm dip switches checked set to netboot.
No zero pic, time hack on.
BIOS: Custom bios, multi

When booting initially it says "Checking Network".

I am using RPI 3B (not 3B+)
What image are you using? Did you download v5 and set it up yourself, or did you get one of the already made packs?
Thanks! I am using V5, following the directions I extended the FAT32 partition, added roms from both your mega.nz source and a few I had before, ran the audit which renamed a few roms and added them to the romlist and then tried launching them.