Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4
Maybe throw up a running changelog in the first post, if you can be bothered!
Ok got your image with the joystick games only, which is based to WiPi V5 correct?! Everything set up correctly and booted up.
Im using an Rpi 3B+ with the recommended touchscreen.
So here's what is not working for me related to the home wifi setup.
If you go to setup access to your home wifi via the touchscreen, you can select the scanned networks from the dropdown menu,
but you can not type in a password using the touchscreen, I guess a virtual keyboard is not accessible through the touch interface??
Ok, I worked around it by plugging in a usb keyboard and you can type the password in ok.
also, if you connect to via your phone you can select the your home wifi and setup it you that way as you can type in your password via your phones interface.
Ok, so finally had the pi reboot and connect to my home network, I can see it listed in my devices and its ip address,
But, cant connect to it using browsers on the phone or pc. It just does not connect at all, although it shows up on the network.
There is no way to restore the hotspot other than rewrite the image to the SD car??
@chunksin Any ideas on this? Would love to just have the pi hooked up to the home network.