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Hello all!!!
My apologies for the delay.
Of course i am in touch with the two guys i owe refund!
The problem is with wise. Unfortunately they delayed a lot to withdraw my account!!!
I upload now all proves that i have already paid 2 guys from this forum.
And two photos with the delays of wise!!!
I am not hiding and i am looking for excuses!!!
I have sent many requests to wise and i am still waiting for them!!!!!!!
I just put this through google translate:

Fuck y'all!
I couldn't give 2 shits about ignoring you.
Totally not replying to those 2 suckers I scammed!
The problem is I'm full of shit. Fortunately I have no scruples!!!!
Here's a screenshot of my rectum.
And 2 more pics of my scrotum!
I need to lay low and make up some more shit before showing up here again!!!!!!
These guys are getting wise to my wise scam!!!!!!!!!
good riddance to this asshat. Although I was hoping for a final:


I've already informed the admins of both the 'Japanese Candy Cabs' and Arcade Collectors Europe FB groups.
If he also has an eBay handle it’d be good to know about that & avoid him there too.
Just to drop a note at the end here, he did finally refund me after 6 weeks. (well 4 weeks of excuses about the sale and 2 weeks of constantly chasing about a refund daily). So no fraud or scam, just a bad seller. Updated the first post accordingly to remove wording about not being refunded and the business being fraudulent.
Not sure if he was on UKVAC, I actually ran into him in the Naomi Arcade Cabinets group where he was touting the same marquees he sold here. He got banned from there pretty quick.

Ah, yeah, this is why we don't allow anyone without a real name into Candy Cab Collectors. The Naomi one's got other rules.
Just to drop a note at the end here, he did finally refund me after 6 weeks. (well 4 weeks of excuses about the sale and 2 weeks of constantly chasing about a refund daily). So no fraud or scam, just a bad seller. Updated the first post accordingly to remove wording about not being refunded and the business being fraudulent.
So its all good, should he be unbanned? Weird situation, he did make it right with you so…
I've seen this kind of semi scam before as its cheaper than a pay day load company stuff is advertised for sale never sent then a refund comes eventually.
Yeah it’s totally up to the moderators obviously since they are folks who end up dealing with sales drama. In the end he made me whole but I’d strongly advise anyone to stay away considering the level of chasing and promising consequences it took to get here. At the same time he definitely didn’t scam me, the money is on its way back into my account. Would he have dragged it out for months if I wasn’t aggressive? Probably but that’s just my opinion from this one experience, there are maybe other better experiences to make the case to reverse the ban somewhere if you ask him for references
Hello Victims of frustration,

Although most people got their money back after chasing him down, why wouldn’t this be considered a scam?

He first promises that it works, then he says he needs to test it because it works with one set of games but not with other games.

Again, this person confidently says that it is working from the beginning on and then starts dragging and dragging to test the device, sending pictures, delaying testing and any other progress promises. It goes back to his first promise that it is working and thus people were willing to send him money through Wise.

Some people have labeled him as a bad sellers who just has bad communication skills. We are dealing with money, arcade devices and adults. This person knows what they are doing and as some people have pointed out it is as if he is getting an interest free loan. He knows for a fact what he is doing so much so that he asked everyone to go through hoops and bounds to create a Wise account to pay him.

This is such a classic bait and switch.

I don’t think you can let someone like this off the hook that easily. This is really damaging to our community in the end.