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Jan 20, 2016
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Victoria, Australia
Hey all

Been working on a little project the last few days that some may be interested in.

i have been reversing the nesys service for SFIV to see if i can recreate it.

At first i was going to do some dns redirection to my own website to then store and pass data. but for some reason i wasn't able to get the application to accept my own ssl certificates. SSL is a bitch on a good day and today was not a good day.
So i looked a little deeper and found out the 2 applications use named pipes to communicate. after some random/structured poking and prodding i have the game thinking it is connected to nesys.

Now from here i have hit a small road bump. I don't have a card reader. if you by chance have one and could send me some of the data it spits out let me know. :D

Anyway if people would like to follow along i am also documenting everything as i go.
Below is my very rough note takings with some of the files and info i used to work out what does what

And last some screenshots

Nice, I will try to follow along and help out, I gotta put my cabs back together so probably not for a another week or so. Do we need to have any cards to test the readers with, cause of course I have none. I have 2 USF4 X3s if that helps as well.
Do we need to have any cards to test the readers with, cause of course I have none.
yes because i will need to see how the card data is sent to the game. either i'll be building a card emu and try and tack it on to ttx_loader for testing or if someone dosen't mind getting there hands dirty and running tests for me on their machine (tests will be time consuming and somewhat annoying to do) or better yet someone has a spare they are willing to sell or loan(with deposit).

I have 2 USF4 X3s if that helps as well.
i will most likely continue on to newer games later down the track but my main focus right now is SSFIV. when i do I'm not sure how i will handle a release due to the real thing is still active.
Also I'm a little paranoid that someone will take the info/code and improve it then start a community like psun and sows.

Also thank you for the offer. :D
Very cool!

What would be the use of this for a 'normal home user' like myself running Niko's multi for example?
i'm hoping once finished you will be able to use card readers and track your stats. no idea of difficulty but after completion i might look at making a card reader emu for nikos and others multi.
i'm hoping once finished you will be able to use card readers and track your stats. no idea of difficulty but after completion i might look at making a card reader emu for nikos and others multi.

Will track this project :)
Thanks for the offer Lemony but at this time i'm only working on SSFIV stats so need the older TTX card reader. but i will keep you posted if i do move to Nesica stuff
Updated google doc with some logs after a long day of random probing. the new logs are the third mega link. figured out the certify.php base construct. haven't noted it down on google yet as im still testing it to figure out what data does what.

I can lend you both an old and a new card reader if you would like. Do you have the the small RFID i/o board? I have a couple those as well.

Thanks for the offer nacron

would you be able to upload some photos of the card reader so i can make sure its the correct one
Sorry it took a couple of days. I attached the pictures here.


  • old-card-reader-1.jpg
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  • old-card-reader-4.jpg
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  • old-i-o-1.jpg
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yea that is the one i need. unfortunately i have to take a short break from this project as i have a new addition to the family. will hopefully pick it back up in a few weeks when things settle down.
Sure thing. Just let me know when you need it. Or I could send it now and you will have it there whenever you get back to it. I am not using it right now anyway.
Sure thing. Just let me know when you need it. Or I could send it now and you will have it there whenever you get back to it. I am not using it right now anyway.
sorry i didnt respond earlier. i forgot all about it. i stumbled on to some dev bins for the ttx which has helped me figure out how card info gets sent to taito servers without the need for a card reader. so thanks for the offer mate much appreciated but at the moment i dont need one. if in the future i do ill hit you up.

Update: started working on this again and have been working on the global ranking system and found out the config, bookkeeping and localscores are all encrypted for god knows why. taito/capcom you amaze me sometimes
anyways i have been trying to trace the input from the nesysservice to find out how it handles the data to no avail yet. but im sure if i stare at the screen shouting F@*K YOU for long enough ill find what i need