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Nov 8, 2019
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I am in the market for a next gen SuperGun, those that are recommended by Bob at retro RGB. Looking for one that would work best for a Sega Naomi with a capcom I/O. First time posting here, looks like most of these items are out of stock or I need to build myself which I do not have the know how. Will pay with PayPal goods & services. Any recommendations would be great. Would like a new one as I’ve heard that’s the best way to ensure the settings are set correctly. I am using a Retroelectronik now and it seems to be the base of my issues from what I am being told.

thanks in advance
If you want the HAS you’ll preorder at the link above and wait for your turn, he does them in batches.

@evilsim sells Miniguns on eBay: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/202909500311 maybe direct too if you message him

For either you’ll need appropriate video wiring to your display, an arcade power supply, and potentially control adapters (like undamned’s ud-usb decoder) to connect whatever controller you’re using. Though for only naomi you can run vga out to a monitor direct if that is an option for you... supergun would then just handle controls and power.
Thanks! Yes I really only need it for the controllers. I have an ATX power supply powering the Naomi & NetDimm. Using the VGA out to computer monitor. I was advised that my SuperGun was the issue that I could not get the controllers to work properly with all 6 buttons on both, it like player 2 is getting shorted out after it enters into the Retroelectronik. I am using their PSX2NEO for the PS2 controllers, which with the capcom I/O is fine for player 1, just player 2 is not working with the kicks, testing the capcom io directly the buttons work as I wired a button right to button 4 and it activated. I also have a Sega IO. Got all 5 buttons to work on both controllers, but not button 6 on either. I can’t win for losing. Can only this this reason is with the Sega IO they all are on the JAMMA edge and for that reason it somehow is not shorting. Anyways, I know I need a good SuperGun that is better with voltage etc. I really don’t want to spend more than $150, I hear the HAS is much more than that. The others like what I read of the Sentinel, Parcec & Minigun might be more my speed. Thanks for the advice, look forward to any other thoughts you guys might have for me.
JVS/JAMMA Supergun Cbox is a supergun compatible with both JVS and JAMMA systems in 1 machine.
They are hand made by 1 guy.... Axun
There is a small waiting list and due to corona virus they are shipping slowly.

Axun Workshop - JVS / JAMMA Control-Box(CBOX) SuperGun


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Wow that is pretty sick looking, going to try to stick at half that price point for this current setup as I really with the Naomi only using a gun for the controls given the VGA and audio out of the mobo, but good to know that exists for down the road. Thank you!
Wow that is pretty sick looking, going to try to stick at half that price point for this current setup as I really with the Naomi only using a gun for the controls given the VGA and audio out of the mobo, but good to know that exists for down the road. Thank you!
fyi, Axun's supergun has a power suppy in built that can power Naomi boards and can use JVS without Sega IO. If you have to buy a psu and a sega io, then this might turn out cheaper. Just make sure the supergun you get is updated.
Ah that is cool! If I had not already bought a capcom I/o on this adventurer and using a ATX power that does the trick, but this is a great all in one that I wish I had known of before. Maybe for my next one. I got a dream to have a consolized Arcade one day and this first build is a step toward that. I am mulling over the MiniGun at the moment as since I got the I/Os & power already, might be the best route. Discussing now if my power set up will work with the MiniGun, if it seems it’s not going to work I might pay the piper and check his out in more detail.
It’s a revision B. I have the jumper set to the B section. The 6th button is on the 14 pin white connector. I’ve deduced it might be an issue with that connector or the pins themselves, as testing all of them based on the schematics I’ve seen, it just does not work. Which is why I bought a capcom I/o, luckily for $85 Vice the $200 I see on eBay, in Japan. Still having new issues as I’ve mentioned, going to get a good SuperGun to make sure that is not causing any issues which brought me here
Have you tried position A?

Kick/Extra buttons

CN3 is a 14-pin JST_NH connector, when jumper JP1 in position B:
  • 5 buttons pr player, all on jamma edge
  • 8 general purpose driver outputs on CN3
Jumper JP1 in position A:
  • No general purpose outputs
  • 9 Buttons pr player, with buttons 6-9 via CN3
Many many frustrated nights. Yes I have tried revision A. Getting button 6 was driving me crazy. I am part of the Sega Naomi FB group and got lots of trouble shooting advice, went round and round. So frustrated I got that coveted capcom io for a whopping 3 games just to have issues with player 2 once player 1 worked! FML. Next time I have a day of trouble shooting available I’ll look at it with fresh eyes. Thank you though for sure. One day I’ll have it all figured out I am sure.
Revision A as in a different I/O, or did you mean JP1 position A?

Always super frustrating when things don’t work and if there is a hardware issue somewhere down the line then almost impossible to discover between all the ‘have you tried this?’ solutions.

Any Capcom I/O users with useful input?
What 3 games are you referring to?

Best of luck!
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Actually, if you are interested in a low cost solution, perhaps you should take a look at this:

CPS2 I/O Interface again by @RGB

I don’t have any experience with this or the Capcom I/O, but seems like you could just plug it in and turn your I/O into a supergun?

Less flexible overall of course, but if it gets the job done?
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I mean different jumper position on the revision B board to set for A. B seemed to be the position where they all booted and worked .
Naomi has 3, 6 button games to my knowledge:

Street Fighter 3
Capcom vs SNK 2
Marvel Vs Capcom

all of which id like the option to play, I believe it’s more knowing it’s possible and it not working is why it bothers me lol.
Hmm it does seem that way? Interesting only gets more confusing! Lol. I don’t have a CPS2, but are you saying this combined with the capcom I/O could work with the Naomi?
Actually, if you are interested in a low cost solution, perhaps you should take a look at this:

CPS2 I/O Interface again by @RGB

I don’t have any experience with this or the Capcom I/O, but seems like you could just plug it in and turn your I/O into a supergun?

Leas flexible overall of course, but if it gets the job done?
I believe this is how @plasia uses his CPS2IOI.
It was designed for a CPS2 with the HDMI output modification - hence no need for any video circuitry and therefore the low cost.
Still does everything you would need - primarily Jamma plus CPS2 kick harness to DB15 controller ports.
If @plasia runs this setup then perhaps a pic would help make sense.

You would still need an ATX power source - could avoid the need for 2 PSUs if you power the Naomi from the Capcom I/O...
(That isn't often recommended, but should be perfectly fine if you are just using regular carts).