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Bulti Moyz
Grand Master
Multi Boyz
Jun 19, 2017
Reaction score
Calcutta, India
Please let me know if anyone is willing to part with their prized Emotias. I have a MAME PC which is a bit dated, I would rather use my gaming laptop with extron on my cab.

I have one (a Super Emotia GX, if I remember correctly, need to confirm) with its original power supply, but there's a problem with it: one day the picture became heavily tinted green, and has been since. I'm pretty sure that it's a simple fix for somebody who knows how to fix it, but I don't have the time to look into it at the moment.
If you feel like it's something you could repair and you're interested in the unit, let me know.
I do not want to shoe-horn in, but should @suverman pass, I would love to take a crack at fixing it.
Sure, I'll give priority to @suverman as he asked first, but if he doesn't want it PM me.
Totally. @suverman is a cool dude, and I had no intention of stepping on toes. Just figured if I didn't say something, if he does choose to pass, well, you wouldn't know I was interested. Ha.
@quadratic really appreciate the offer but I cant source parts here in India easily and I really struggle repairing anything. @rewrite all yours if you want it :)
That tint looks odd, reminds me of a Data East tumble pop board I had, wasn't that bad though.
If you want to have the lowest latency possible, for Shmups or competitive Fighting games maybe. ?(
You can use this as well, not as good but maybe easier to find:

Thanks, I looked at it looks like its got a lot of revisions not all are compatible. The one I see on eBay is downscaler (which apparently doesnt downscale to 15khz). I was hoping to use my Intel Skull Canyon for retro Steam Games and TTX 1/2, but maybe I rather upgrade to a better MAME PC than get a downscaler.
yes i have read that website around 10 times last week :D , does your setup allow 800 x 600 VGA to 15khz? Also any noticeable lag?
Are you familiar with this reference?


I am using a VSC 700 and RGB 164xi to run HD content through a pair of CRTs...

Perhaps a bit easier to source than the Emotia..
I am no expert, but these should be good up to 1080p...
The newer VSC units are easily 10 years younger than the first Emotia units, so it's no surprise, that the actual conversion of the VSC units is top notch. It doesn't really matter if you input a VGA signal with a mere 480p resolution of a Full HD signal with 1080p, everything gets converted in top quality.
Are those TVs running at 15khz? Impressive, just realised that with crtemudrivers I cannot play newer games in full screen, this setup would solve it!
They are regular consumer TV sets, so yes, only good up to 480i 15khz. The VSC allows for geometry adjustments too.
Just an observation, but I don't think I am able to produce the 240p effect as discussed in the article. I guess these sets do apply digital processing:

Fudoh said:
The Extron interfaces can also be used for a completely different approach: using a sync processing dip switch on the back, an incoming 480i RGB signal can be converted to 240p by adding a simple line offset. This simply tells the monitor to remove the line offset between the fields, handling the interlaced fields like progressive frames instead. This is by no means an official feature of those interfaces, but merely an accident, since the units were simply not created for interlaced 15khz signals. There are two caveats though: first this only works on CRTs which don't apply digital processing. It works great on arcade cabs, Sony PVM and BVM sets, most 90s TV sets, but likely not on newer TV sets and not if you want to feed your newly gained 240p signal into another upscaler.
Thanks, I will go with your setup :)
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