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Jun 17, 2020
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Dear everyone!

Haven't you have had enough of changing your game, rebooting your Naomi, only to have that pesky "Checking Memory Please wait" message all the time?

Well; FEAR NOT! for the solution is at hand!

What would it take? A patched DIMM firmware you would assume? Well, it does not!

Thanks to nifty hidden Sega feature in the DIMM firmware, you too can get rid of the annoying message!

All you have to do is to add this line in your implementation of triforcetools.py
s.send(struct.pack(">IIIIIIIIH", 0x00000001, 0x1a008104, 0x01000000, 0xf0fffe3f, 0x0000ffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffff0000, 0x00000000, 0x0000))

SECURITY_SetKeycode("\x00" * 8)
(as this enforces the memory checks for some reason)

Oh! And the cherry on top? The flag remains as long as your dimm board is powered using a battery!

Here is the modified triforcetools.py script that contains this change: https://mega.nz/file/AtknSJqJ#EsQ8wMKcFwPFnY8Blad3cwyoVjqqtcBiB-5F61IRVfM

Unfortunately because this relies on a network packet, this skip will only work on netdimms, CF or GD-ROM would likely truly require a firmware patch.

All Credits for this discovery and implementations go to:


(We all hang out on the OpenJVS discord by the way if you ever want to drop by and say hello here is the invite: https://discord.gg/7z6QwSH )

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Excellent. Will be keen to test this out! A game changer for sure...
Do you have the files for PiDimBoot or piforcetools?
Thanks, haven’t delved too deep into the workings of any of my NetBoot SD’s. Will give it a crack, and thanks again for providing this discovery. Will definitely aid in the enjoyment of game hopping, that’s for sure.
There are hidden flags in the dimm firmware (stored in memory) that can be set on and off using specific network packets and enforce or disable the memory checks after rebooting/game loading.
We know this (as this is the same with any system, there is some memory, it get's changed, things happen) but I'm not sure what any of those commands mean or translate too - it's an odd packet as it's got lots of 0xFFs in it.

For some background: we found a bunch of files shipped with a DVD card builder Chihiro game. It included some exes, and perl scripts that it obviously used to netboot the games (gundam mobile suit something or other).

One of the .exe's was called checkoff.exe and would seemingly turn the memory check off on the chihiro. @chunksin ran the .exe and wire-sharked it to find out what the bytes it sent were. We then just repacked the bytes into a way python can send them to put them into triforcetools.py, and then @mathieulh found that the command that was setting the check back on was the one that sets the key, so we just replayed those bytes after that command and presto - no more memory checking!

Started at about 9am today, and had a solution by about 2pm whilst most of us were at work :P
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See it in action:


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/32iod3Yknfg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

ps. don't know how to embed videos on this forum. Any tips?
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