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For Sale


Multi Boyz Litigator
Multi Boyz
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
Nothing for now.

Things I'm looking for in trade:

Bucky O'Hare
Dark Seal
DDP:DOJ Tamashii
Gals Panic (various titles)
G-Net w/CF card setup
Golden Axe: Revenge of Deathadder
F3 motherboard + Game(s)
King of Dragons
Kingdom Grand Prix
Knights of the Round
Metamorphic Force
EV titles
Parodius (various titles)
V-Five / V-V / Grind Stormer

SOLD items:
AW Motherboard, a legitimate copy of Guilty Gear Isuka, and a very likely bootleg Hokuto no Ken. Take the whole lot for 175 shipped.

Demon Front:
$90 shipped in the USA. Works great! Game is 99% English.
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I wish I had the cash for this...that said, my plans would be very similar to yours including having to sit on it while other projects get finished. I would want to stick this beast into some kind of driving rig for SEGA Race TV and Outrun.

I'll follow the thread and if it is still around when I have some cash...
I wish I had the cash for this...that said, my plans would be very similar to yours including having to sit on it while other projects get finished. I would want to stick this beast into some kind of driving rig for SEGA Race TV and Outrun.

I'll follow the thread and if it is still around when I have some cash...
That's where you and I differ. I'd set it up for shooting zombies!! Haha. Never been a big race fan.

Feel free to follow. I thought it was sold, but the gentleman who was buying it must have changed his mind.

Turns out he lied to me saying it won't work with his setup after all, and bought from another seller. I don't mind losing out on the sale, the guy he bought from is good people. But the lying infuriates me.
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Dropped the price a bit, would trade for PGM2 or Psikyo titles.
I'll take it! Your price looks good, but LMK what Psikyo stuff you're looking for.