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Apr 8, 2018
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Tehachapi, CA
Hello, can anybody verify the following cap locations?
C34 470uf 16v
C1 470uf 16v
C28 10uf 16v
C30 10uf 16v
C29 10uf 16v
C37 10uf 16v
C36 22uf 16v
C38 22uf 16v
C32 220uf 16v

All my sprites are half missing, does anybody know which rom is responsible for sprites?
Thank you.


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Update. That is the correct capacitor list. I reflowed the entire board …no change. MaskRoms 1, 2, 3, 4 handle sprites, these are 28Dip 1Mbit DSC1000AC non-jedec with 28 pin sockets. The PCB will actually accept 27c010 EPROMs opening soldered jumper 7 and closing jumpers 8, 9. Desoldered old 28 dip sockets and installed fresh 32dip sockets with Intel D27C010’s…no change. Four 6116 SRAMs @ L14, L13,L12, L11 handle sprites so I installed four new 6116’s…no change. I ordered up the four SN74LS373 latches and four 74LS166’s with sockets to pop in next. I found lots of literature at jammarcade.net (they have the schematics.) I use hakko FX-951 and FM-204 but I’ve noticed just flowing in and saturating the via’s with quick-chip until the chips fall out with finger pressure is the least intrusive method. I Also love the NC-559-V2 paste.
Update. That is the correct capacitor list. I reflowed the entire board …no change. MaskRoms 1, 2, 3, 4 handle sprites, these are 28Dip 1Mbit DSC1000AC non-jedec with 28 pin sockets. The PCB will actually accept 27c010 EPROMs opening soldered jumper 7 and closing jumpers 8, 9. Desoldered old 28 dip sockets and installed fresh 32dip sockets with Intel D27C010’s…no change. Four 6116 SRAMs @ L14, L13,L12, L11 handle sprites so I installed four new 6116’s…no change. I ordered up the four SN74LS373 latches and four 74LS166’s with sockets to pop in next. I found lots of literature at jammarcade.net (they have the schematics.) I use hakko FX-951 and FM-204 but I’ve noticed just flowing in and saturating the via’s with quick-chip until the chips fall out with finger pressure is the least intrusive method. I Also love the NC-559-V2 paste.
Another good resource can be here (by @Phil Bennett ) : https://philwip.com/2019/09/23/pcb-repair-out-zone/
Picked up a current tracer and logic probe. No chip is showing any obvious over draw. Been working through the schematics with the logic probe next, it’s pretty cool but tedious.