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Thanks. I'm not familiar with the nano but I took a quick look at it. It seems like this project could be ported to it. It's not very complex.

I wrote a total of 1 program using the Arduino IDE and this is it. My experience with Arduino is 100% on the trinket (to my recollection).

I have a trinket m0 that I'm somewhat interested in porting to/testing out but I haven't found the motivation to do it.
Thank you for the reply. I’ve flashed the code to the nano myself here now and installed but no luck.
It could be my nano as it’s a clone.
I’ll buy a trinket and do it your way as it’s a brilliant option when using these Bluetooth controllers.
Thanks George..
The code might not be compatible with the nano.

I recall testing the code on trinket with a multi meter. I hooked up the GND to the negative and pin 0 to the positive.

When providing power to the trinket I could see that the connection was closed. BUT it was taking too long. It was taking several seconds for the code to run. That's why the firmware needed to be updated. After updating the firmware, the code was running right away.

Maybe the nano has a similar issue. You could test in the same way.

I'll try to look at trinket m0 later this week.
I have just bought a trinket to get this thing going but I am totally fazed by the whole bootloader and arduino part. I don’t have an arduino and it would be £25 from Amazon to get for a one time use and I’ll never need it again. Is there anyone in the uk who would be willing to flash the trinket for me for a small fee and postage costs? Or, did that usb update project happen in the end?

I have just bought a trinket to get this thing going but I am totally fazed by the whole bootloader and arduino part. I don’t have an arduino and it would be £25 from Amazon to get for a one time use and I’ll never need it again. Is there anyone in the uk who would be willing to flash the trinket for me for a small fee and postage costs? Or, did that usb update project happen in the end?

By the time you ship it and get it returned how much are you going to save?

Not exactly right to do but to l Amazon would probably take it back as a return.

You also never know when the Arduino will come in handy in the future.
Thanks for all the work here!

A few remarks:
- I'm surprised that PIN 1 has a reliable state (i.e. that digitalRead(PNW_DISABLE) will reliably return "HIGH" when not connected), since there doesn't seem to be a pull up resistor. I wonder if something is setting this PIN (which is the LED pin) with INPUT_PULLUP. It may still be worth setting explicitly
- To replace the bootloader, if you don't already own an Arduino Uno, it may be worth buying a dedicated ICSP programmer instead of using an Uno to replace the bootloader. I like the Pololu one at https://www.pololu.com/product/3172. It may make life easier
- Once you have an ICSP programmer, you don't even need a bootloader, you can directly flash the picknmix application, but a bootloader is convenient if one wants to be able to update later via the USB port instead of using the ICSP programmer.

I made a few modifications to this project, which you can find at https://github.com/semi-simple/Adafruit_Trinket_Mini_Auto_PICKnMIX
1. Most important: I moved the "sensing" pin to disable PickNMix from PIN 1 to PIN 2. This is because PIN1 is the LED pin and I wanted to use the LED
2. Whenever the trinket pulls pin 0 low (i.e. simulating pressing "start"), the LED is lit. I find it convenient for debugging etc
3. I added a ready-to-flash bootloader in prebuilt/. I'm using micronucleus, which I found to be convenient for me

If you like those modifications, use the GitHub repository above, or you can simply flash this pre-built via ICSP (or via a non-stock bootloader that boot immediately, itself flashed via ICSP): https://github.com/semi-simple/Adaf...o_PICKnMIX/raw/main/prebuilt/autopicknmix.hex

On an Tiny85 like this Trinket it is actually not technically necessary to have an ICSP programmer. It would be possible to make a "normal" program modify the bootloader. If there was a lot of demand, I would consider doing this, but it's a good bit of work.
Thanks for this. I have used your build. Also thanks to @GeorgeSpinner & @Arthrimus for leading the way. I managed to sort this all out in a very clumsy monkey see, monkey do fashion. I have no experience with Arduino so it was the most daunting part and I had to battle a few errors. Having the LED confirm the input is definitely a good move to know it’s working before install. Thanks guys
My unibios4 arrived today as I have been on 3.3 for years. I absolutely love picknmix and the trinket mod works almost perfectly except for one bizarre quirk. It only works works with no controller connected. I have no idea why but if a controller is connected I can only reach pick n mix by holding the start button manually. I don’t have any shorts anywhere and the buttons are all responding correctly in the bios test screen so I am baffled
Are you using a Supergun of some sort? Maybe it has a resistor pack or something which is causing the Trinket to think a button is pressed?
Are you using a Supergun of some sort? Maybe it has a resistor pack or something which is causing the Trinket to think a button is pressed?
No i am only using 1 wire from the trinket to trigger picknmix it’s not seeing anything else. It’s a cmvs that I wired up myself. I have cross checked all wiring. It works a dream but if I have a controller plugged in I get the boot screen with no neo geo logo and go straight to the rubbish menu. If I have no controller plugged I get the gold neo menu and picknmix
I use a super guns without issue.

Can you provide an image of your install?
I traced it back to the controller i was using. I’m still not sure why it’s causing my mvs to boot differently but switching to my classic neo geo stick makes everything behave as expected. I’m going to have to investigate
I traced it back to the controller i was using. I’m still not sure why it’s causing my mvs to boot differently but switching to my classic neo geo stick makes everything behave as expected. I’m going to have to investigate
Would you consider programming a trinket and selling in the uk? I really want one of these, but not brave enough to attempt the flashing side of things. I’ve no probs with the soldering 🤣 thanks