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Which Raiden DX version is that for $400?
I have both the smaller version and the larger version w/ Yamaha chip. The larger version is pending. If the smaller version is worth less, please make me an offer.
The 1993 version with the Yamaha chip is good around that price, $400-$500. For the 1996 version (China) I'd be interested at $200.
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Hi Tony, I see you sell quite a lot of PCBs. It is very good for the buyers of the forum, I see that you sell the entire Raiden saga, which is perfect. I just wanted to tell you that a couple of weeks ago you published a post indicating that you wanted to buy them, we talked about one and finally you didn't buy it. Now I see that you sell one like it apart from the rest of the saga, it's just telling you that if you wanted to have a price assessment, you should have asked directly, I imagine there will be a part of the forum for it, or else many users could have helped you. Good luck with the sale, cheers.
He doesn’t even post prices lol
Prices are visible. Refresh your page maybe?
Anyways, here you go:

1943K III - $200
Aero Fighters - $125
Aero Fighters - $125
Aero Fighters - $125
CPS1/1.5 Multi w/ Jasens case fully assembled - $1700
CPS2 Multi w/ Jasens case fully assembled - $1700
CPS3 Multi w/ Jasens case fully assembled - $1700
Demon Front - IGS PGM Cart - $300
Demon Front - IGS PGM Cart - $300
DoDonPachi DaiOuJou Black Label - IGS PGM Cart - $125
Dynamite Cop - $200
Dynamite Cop - $200
Kung Fu Master w/ Jamma Adapter - $200
Kung Fu Master w/ Jamma Adapter - $200
MVS 2 Slot - $200
MVS 2 Slot - $200
Naomi - $150
Naomi - $150
Naomi Net Dimm - $275
Raiden Fighters Cart - $170
Raiden Fighters Cart - $170
Raiden Fighters 2 Cart - $270
Spider-Man - $400
Street Fighter II - $250
ST-V - $200
ST-V Multi - $600
Strikers 1945 - $175
Strikers 1945 III - $299
System 16B Multi - $600
Taito G-Net Multi - $500
Taito Type X3 Multi - $500
Taito Type X4 - $400
TMNT - $450
Word Rally - $100
Viper Phase 1 Motherboard & Cart - $600