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Oops. Even better then. Update 2.xx to 4.01. No need to update to 4.02 if you updating a NetDimm. 4.02 is only needed for Dimm's. Do Derick. Let us know how it goes.
4.02 is needed if you want to use the CF solution without being locked to HAGIWARA cards.
GD-Rom disc are larger than a CD-R. Not sure what/if any standard can be read on the GD_ROM. but probably not having a blank r/w gd-rom would be an issue.

Is that what you mean?

-at least it's an issue with the DC being GD_ROM
GD-Rom stands for Gigadisc-Rom, basically because they can allocate 1 Gb of data. They use more "dense" discs which can still be read using regular drives but just slowing down the turning speed. IIRC that means that you need a special customized firmware in your CDROM drive. I've heard some rumours about a soon to release firmware that allows booting from CDR.

You were indeed right! I went ahead updated my 2.13 netdimm to 4.01 with transfergame, just as you said:


only problem is, now I am back to square one with my netbooting problems. I pinged the netdimm to make sure, just as I did when updating the firmware, but I could not get any games to boot from the dos prompt and only got gibberish errors (which I am very familiar with :cursing: ) I Tried 4 different games and nothing booted, the naomi screen stayed at checking network the entire time.



Edit: This issue seems to be solved for the moment after updating to 4.02
@Mugicha, let's not derails this thread. Please post on a new one.
Btw did you configure the IP adresses on both the Naomi and the PC? Gateway mask as well?
@Mugicha, let's not derails this thread. Please post on a new one.
Btw did you configure the IP adresses on both the Naomi and the PC? Gateway mask as well?
No Problem!

I did not check to config the pc ip adress, but I did check the naomi.

Bottom line and on topic:

I was able to update firmware from 2.13 to 4.01 with standard netbooting from transfergame.
@Mugicha, let's not derails this thread. Please post on a new one.
Btw did you configure the IP adresses on both the Naomi and the PC? Gateway mask as well?
No Problem!
I did not check to config the pc ip adress, but I did check the naomi.

Bottom line and on topic:

I was able to update firmware from 2.13 to 4.01 with standard netbooting from transfergame.
I think you were lucky. AFAIK In most cases you'll just break your DIMM.
wow really?!!?!?

damn I'm glad everything worked out.