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Rambo with many issues


Aug 11, 2022
Reaction score
Victoriaville, Quebec
I've been trying to help a friend of mine get his Rambo back up and running but so far the Lindbergh is winning the battle.

We tried many different key chips and for some obscure reason the Initial D4 key chip is able to get the game installed but when trying to boot Rambo i get error 18 "I/O device not found" which that error code doesn't exists at all in the Lindbergh Red manual.

With other key chips we get a mixture of error 21 when trying to install Rambo, error 22 without a DVD drive connected or error 1 with a key chip for the Chihiro.

I'm at my wits ends in trying to coerce this system to boot into Rambo again, the current baseboard flashes green.
I tried unplugging the baseboard and the sound card thinking it would give me a different error code but still get error 18.

Is there even a single way to get this Lindbergh into booting Rambo once again to bring his cabinet back to life or its dead Jim?
Quick update. Tried another baseboard, still getting error 18.
Tried removing one stick of RAM thinking it would give me error 9, still error 18.

Only times i get different error codes is unplugging the hard drive (error 26), changing the keychip (error 1 and error 21) and one time where the install failed because of my old external DVD drive (error 32)
Okay another quick update. We tried on another Lindbergh and i think the one we were using has a motherboard issue.

With a different Lindbergh we're now getting error 7 instead of error 18 so now my friend is gonna look to see if he has any extra 7600GS around.
The one he found didn't output video at all.
But just to have some more knowledge because i know some users here knows a lot of stuff about the Lindbergh.

Which GPU's are supported by what games?

In my case Rambo doesn't boot with a 6800GT from a Lindbergh Yellow, what GPU's does Rambo supports?
Oh man i really forgot to update everyone with the progress on this right?

Good news! The Rambo cabinet has been running rock solid since late September 2022!
How did me and my friend bought it back to life? Unfortunately it had to be restored with a multi drive.
My friend had two 7600GS and both didn't output any picture and was causing the Lindbergh to not boot anymore.

With the 6800GT, the system booted but halted because Rambo didn't recognize the GPU and since the VBIOS DVD's are elusive i couldn't burn that DVD and attempt to update the game so it could see the GPU.
So when i found someone selling a multi kit i sent the link to my friend who immediately ordered one and once he got it in, i installed it in his Lindbergh and Rambo came back to life!

I even took the multi HDD back home, backed it up on a hard drive i didn't use anymore and i keep that backup drive safe, now Rambo runs off a SSD and everything is smooth sailing.
Even made my friend a second SSD since he had two and i stress tested that second SSD when he let me borrow a Lindbergh and i played the heck out of Race TV and Outrun 2.

All in all the cabinet was saved thanks to a multi kit but i still want to thank everyone who helped me out trying to get his cabinet back up and running!
Hello friend, I need a chip key, can you program one for me or give me the programming by some means.