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Staff member
Jun 12, 2015
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Hello everyone!

one user that would like to remain anonymous, sent me a conversion romset for Biomechanical Toy running on a Saquash PCB. I have tested and it works flawless.

He would like to get in return a Gauntlet PCB for the conversion.

If you don't like this approach, don't pledge. If you like pledge whatever you can and I'll cover the rest. I want to see this shared with y'all.

If you have a Gauntlet PCB that you could sell at a reasonable price PLMK. I saw one on ebay:

I'm pledging 100 EUR myself to see this happen.
Let's get that ball rolling then.
I'll pledge 25€.

Reaching the 500€ goal will mean the files are free for all right?
yes. Files for the conversion will be released for everyone.
obscure spanish arcade platforms are not my thing (LOL) but since obscure platforms are the ones that deserve more love, I''m going to pledge 20€ :)
I know where there's a cheap Gaelco Squash PCB for sale if that's of any help :whistling:
me too :) I have 2 ready to convert :)

getting a thunder hoop II or an alligator is more complicated though....
Looks like fun, $25 for me
OK, update on this. Looks like the guy got some of the PCBs he needed and would like to get in return a Gauntlet PCB for the conversion.

If you don't like this approach, don't pledge. If you like pledge what you can and I'll cover the rest. I want to see this shared with y'all.

If you have a Gauntlet PCB that you could sell at a reasonable price PLMK. I saw one on ebay:
looks like it's time to fix the squash pcb!

but god-damn - 450$?????
is that really the going rate?
i remember getting those for more like 30-45!
if you find one at that price I'll buy it :thumbsup:
Actually I'll buy 2 :thumbup:
well years ago, i did.
and i'm keeping them! :P

i want to do a multi-game mod on them.
Put me in for $20. I don't know what else is on this platform, but Biomechanical Toy is a neat title.

Someone let me know who to pay. :)
from mame:


Gaelco game hardware from 1991-1996

Driver by Manuel Abadia

Games supported:

1991 Big Karnak REF 901112-1 Unprotected
1992 Squash REF 922804/1 Encrypted Video RAM
1992 Thunder Hoop REF 922804/1 Encrypted Video RAM
1995 Biomechanical Toy REF 922804/2 Unprotected
1996 Maniac Square REF 922804/2 Prototype

looks interesting.
1991 Big Karnak REF 901112-1 Unprotected
Big Karnak is a sweet (albeit not very good) game. It has such cool artwork, and feels like it has a ton of vision.
Yep, the goal is to have all games running on any of the Gaelco mobos.