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I just spent the last few weeks looking for a key and ended up buying one on YAJ. They can be hard to track down state-side so here are a couple alternatives:

1. This auction will likely go upwards of 60-70 (that's before fees and shipping from the warehouse), but you'd get two.
2. This auction shows as not biddable on from japan.com. I actually purchased a set exactly like this from the same seller last week on Buyee -- worked out great. My final cost was $73 (after shipping from buyee)

Although I hope you can find what you need nearby, I hope these auctions can help!
It's reached the point where if someone bothers to note the polarities of the magnets in the original key, it might be viable to make repros. I won't be the one to do it, but a template key in which one could glue magnets should be easy for someone who models 3D prints.
It actually turned out that the control panel I thought was locked just needed a bit of elbow grease to get open! Rest of the locks on my NAC are missing so I plan on just replacing the whole set with something a bit more practical.