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Apr 19, 2021
Reaction score
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Hi :)

I have been collecting sega consoles for a while and want to grow my collection even more (building the tower of power)! I’m looking for a really nice Sega CD model 1. If possible I would like it to have a new belt, laser, fuse, and especially capacitors so it will be worry free for a nice long time. I could find someone to bulletproof one for me, but if I can find one already bulletproofed that would be awesome! I like to try and purchase games from trustworthy collectors first, rather than just going straight to eBay. Thanks!

Looking for:
Sega CD Model 1
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Well, it's not what you're looking for but I have a Japanese Mega Drive model 1 with the Mega CD. Both systems physically appear nice, but the MCD does need a recap. It worked last time I dug it out, but I do remember it hasn't been re-capped.

Not exactly a Genesis model, but I think they are likely more rare and if you are fleshing out your collection, you NEED it!
I have a sega cd model one for sale. However, I am based in Switzerland. I think it is cheaper to buy it on ebay with free shipping.