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Feb 19, 2017
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I own a sega rally 3 full working.
but in the future whats my options when the computer goes bad?
would any pc work?
You can setup any PC to work with sega rally 3 using Teknoparrot, but keep in mind you have to make the original peripherals "work" on a normal pc, and I don't know to which extent you can do that
I don't know if the Europa-R system has special needs but:

1- Stop stressing about failure and enjoy the game now!
2- "but in the future whats my options when the computer goes bad?"
you fix it ! :D looks like very common computer parts so if something goes bad, you'll be able to fix just that component

from other pc base arcade games, it is possible to install generic parts if you know how to install the proper drivers, perhaps bios or firmware.
if you're worried about failure make sure the PC can breath. clean out all the dust, especially internally on the PC's GPU and CPU fans and make sure the cabinet has good air flow for the PCs inside.

Most of these die because they overheat... usually the GPU. if you keep it cool and dust free it will last a long time.