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Mar 12, 2016
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i am trying to replace one bad tsop48 maskrom in a hikaru system. i can't really find any information of this chip type on mame. anyone know what type i should use to replace them?

thank you
can you please dump 2 socketed EPROMs ?
as I see its undumped origianal/older Nascar revision (no A letter on IC35 and IC36 labels)

as for maskroms - there no exact analogs I'm affraid. Sega used TSOP48 roms in custom cases, which is ~2mm thinner than common TSOP.
but its possible standard 128Mbit flash roms may fit ? pinout is not different as far as I know.
Yes please, send us a dump of these 2 eproms. I'm trying to see what memory you could use for a replacement.
here they are (rename as rar first, can't zip form exceed 1mb upload limit).

the flash chip gnd and vcc connection looks unusual.


  • nascar.rar.zip
    726.4 KB · Views: 246
I made a special custom adapter to dump those. its not possible to buy replacement roms they were only available in maskrom type. and of course they are 2mm shorter than regular tsop48 so even if you can buy them, the shorter ROM can't be programmed because shorter tsop48 ZIF adapter is not available.
if you want to wire it up manually using some SOP44 ROMs, you can do something crazy like this....
http://members.iinet.net.au/~lantra9jp1_nbn/gurudumps/wip/dragon-blaze-conversion+sound.jpg ;)