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do not convert any of the 5V connectors, what you should do is add a whole new power harness from your 3.3V PSU
I will make a new connector from my psu (sega 400-5330-02-91) and leave the current 5v on CN3 and CN12 on my filter board. :thumbsup:

But what I still do not get :?: What connector and pins do I put the 3.3V on my sega model 2A filter board? ?(

I need your help :)

I have a Sega model 2A filter board, that I want to convert to a Sega model 3 filter board, so that I can use it as a test rig to hopefully find my video fault one one of my model3 video boards.

As I can understand I need to change one of the three 5v inputs to a 3.3v input.

But there is three 5v connectors at the 2A filterboard CN1, CN3 and CN12 witch one of this do i need to change to 3.3V?
I don't think you can convert Model2 filter boards for Model3.
Never heard of it (never tried that's true) and i don't think the internal connectors from the pcb to the filter board are the same between the two.
Better is to find one model3 filter boards somewhere.
I also have some here, but better for you if you find some there in US
correct. you cannot use a model 2 filter board on a model 3 main board. you must use a model 3 filter board
Hi all

Oh :)

I thought that it where possible to convert the filterboards. :D but it is the wire harness

No problem I can get a model 3 filter board to my test rig from china for 5 dollars plus shipping, but if it where posdible to convert the board it had been cheepest.

Thanks for your help :thumbsup:
do you have a link for that filter board? that's a good price.
Connection board for JAMMA Harness
Thank you for confirming :)


I know this is old now, but for the virtua fighter 2 pinout above, are the two 5v CN3 & CN12 enough to power it? what about CN1? Also what is CN14 used for? Thanks!
are the two 5v CN3 & CN12 enough to power it?
it will power on with just those two connectors, but it's not recommended. the current draw per wire will be much higher and you risk cooking/burning the wires or connectors

Also what is CN14 used for?
CN8 and CN14 are both used for analog inputs for things like steering wheels and pedals on driving games as well as lamp output, for blinking lights used on some games.
it will power on with just those two connectors, but it's not recommended. the current draw per wire will be much higher and you risk cooking/burning the wires or connectors

CN8 and CN14 are both used for analog inputs for things like steering wheels and pedals on driving games as well as lamp output, for blinking lights used on some games.
Thanks! Got this fully working, I have separated the 5v input lined out from my power supply and taken 5v off the jamma edge. Love me some VF2 so I'm super thrilled. Thanks again folks!
Oh random question but what's with the MIDI on CN4? Is that actual MIDI and some model2 games used it?
yes, some games use a seperate digital sound board for background music
I think it's just Top Skater and Touring Cars on Model 2.
While I didn't need to convert my cab, I still have had a LOT of good help on my Sega Rally 2 Twin from the wiring diagrams posted here:

All wiring info in the Sega Rally 2 schematics have matched my cabinet when I've checked, so it should be able to conclusively let you verify the pin assignments on the filter board.