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Jun 7, 2016
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Weare, NH
Hello everyone,

I'm finishing up work on my 3rd Strike machine, and am looking for another project! I'm looking for a Naomi mobo with an MVC2 cartridge. I'd also like the I/O board to interface with a jamma machine. Let me know what you have got!
Update your location. I have all three of those things. What do you have to trade?
My location has been updated. I don't have anything to trade. I'm pretty new to the hobby... I might be able to scrounge up some Sanwa buttons and some bellybutton lint. I do have cash. I'd be interested in CVS2 if anyone has it, as well.
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Your best bet is to piece it together. You need 3 Parts

Marvel vs Capcom 2 Cart

NAOMI Motherboard

Capcom I/O and harnesses

The Cart and I/O are WAY cheaper on YAJ than you'll find them in the US, unless someone is willing to cut you a deal.
if you want to know how to buy stuff from YAJ I have guide here: How to Buy and Import Stuff from Yahoo Auctions Japan (Japan's eBay)

If you're piecing together a dedicated machine for MVC2 I should tell you that the game is designed ton run at 640x480 so you'll want to use it in a cab that has a Tri-Sync or a 31K capable monitor. NAOMI can be made to work with 15K "standard resolution" monitors but it will look bad and sad.
Your best bet is to piece it together. You need 3 Parts

Marvel vs Capcom 2 Cart

NAOMI Motherboard

Capcom I/O and harnesses

The Cart and I/O are WAY cheaper on YAJ than you'll find them in the US, unless someone is willing to cut you a deal.
if you want to know how to buy stuff from YAJ I have guide here: How to Buy and Import Stuff from Yahoo Auctions Japan (Japan's eBay)

If you're piecing together a dedicated machine for MVC2 I should tell you that the game is designed ton run at 640x480 so you'll want to use it in a cab that has a Tri-Sync or a 31K capable monitor. NAOMI can be made to work with 15K "standard resolution" monitors but it will look bad and sad.
Thanks for the awesome info. I'll wait and see if Acblunden2 is interested in selling. If not, I will totally go that route. I'm happy that Naomi seems much more reasonably priced than a CPS3. I actually just finished wiring 3S tonight. I need to set up a tournament or something... I'm wondering if I can find one of those big blues that are made for MVC2... :)

To my knowledge Big blue's never shipped with 31K monitors and there was never a dedicated cab for MVC2. The photo you linked is a conversion cab (buttons are labeled wrong and NAOMI has nothing to do with Q-Sound)
Thanks for the awesome info. I'll wait and see if Acblunden2 is interested in selling. If not, I will totally go that route. I'm happy that Naomi seems much more reasonably priced than a CPS3. I actually just finished wiring 3S tonight. I need to set up a tournament or something... I'm wondering if I can find one of those big blues that are made for MVC2... :)
I am more interested in a trade. So probably best getting this up and running on your own. The only tricky thing to secure is the cart. MvC2 cart is more harder to get than a NetDimm. And on that note, how can you be a 3s player, an MvC2 player, and not even be considering CvS2? Those three games are all 2D fighting game masterpieces from the same era. Dump the MvC2 cart idea, get yourself a Dimm or NetDimm and you'll be much happier.

If you decide to go with a Naomi, Dimm, Sega I/O, you can be up and running for $120 ($40 for bobo, $30 Dimm, $35 Sega I/O, DIY Card Reader)
I am more interested in a trade. So probably best getting this up and running on your own. The only tricky thing to secure is the cart. MvC2 cart is more harder to get than a NetDimm. And on that note, how can you be a 3s player, an MvC2 player, and not even be considering CvS2? Those three games are all 2D fighting game masterpieces from the same era. Dump the MvC2 cart idea, get yourself a Dimm or NetDimm and you'll be much happier.
If you decide to go with a Naomi, Dimm, Sega I/O, you can be up and running for $120 ($40 for bobo, $30 Dimm, $35 Sega I/O, DIY Card Reader)
Thanks for responding. I actually am very interested in CVS2. I'll probably snag a cart eventually. I'll probably theme the cabinet with MVC2 stuff, but have a CVS2 cart on hand... Just in case ;)

Do you or Twisted have any recommendations on 31k monitors? I thought Big Blue's had a MVC2 variant... I feel like my whole childhood is a lie. I did some searching last night, and it doesn't look like they come cheap.
The reason you probably remember seeing MVC2 in Big Blue's back in the day was because MVC1 came in a big blue and most operators probably just upgraded the cab when the new game came out... very common among fighting games because most operators were faced with the choice of buying a new dedicated arcade cabinet for the game for $3000-$4000 or buying just the game board for $1200-$1500 and throwing it into a cabinet you already own. So many took the cheaper option that a lot of games were never even offered in a dedicated cab because they sold so few it wasn't worth the effort to design and make them.

As for finding a Tri-Sync. Nobody makes CRT monitors anymore. the only brand where you can still buy NEW CRT monitors is Makvision and honestly they're crap and not worth the ~$600 pricetag. I own one and I would highly recommend NOT buying one.

If you want a Tri-Sync your best option is to buy a used one or buy a cap that already has one. Given that you currently don't have a cab for MVC2 might I recommend buying a Net-City, which not only has arguably the best Tri-Sync Arcade monitor but the Sega Net-City was the proper MVC2 cab in Japan. http://www.ebay.com/itm/arcade-game...645063?hash=item2caf3e1f47:g:Uf0AAOSwhQ5XP7ra
If you want a Tri-Sync your best option is to buy a used one or buy a cap that already has one. Given that you currently don't have a cab for MVC2 might I recommend buying a Net-City, which not only has arguably the best Tri-Sync Arcade monitor but the Sega Net-City was the proper MVC2 cab in Japan. http://www.ebay.com/itm/arcade-game...645063?hash=item2caf3e1f47:g:Uf0AAOSwhQ5XP7ra
What are your thoughts on these sit down arcades? I've gotta do some reading up on Japanese machines. Could be a cool change of pace, instead of converting an old American cab! Do you have any experience between the Net City and the New Net City? They are strangely similar. I see that Net City has a stand-up variant which is cool, I don't know about a sit-down arcade ;)

I like this idea of a Japanese cab... I know what my wife will think though...
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Most people agree that the sit-down style of the Japan cabs is better for long game play sessions.

Did you watch any of the EVO matches this year?
No they don't play on JPN cabs, but everyone plays sitting down with fightsticks.
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I used to be apprehensive about the sit-down cabs until I actually played on one and then I was asking myself "why aren't all cabs like this?!" Not just being able to sit to play but the controls are usually laid out in an ergonomic fashion and the machine is designed to be easily converted to other games. changing naomi carts is a matter of opening a door below the control panel, pulling out the old cart and snapping the new one in... and you're done. On a big blue you've got to pull the whole cab away from the wall and then open up the back door and practically craw inside to do that.

There are a few variants of the net-city but the biggest difference is the monitor
NAOMI Universal - Sit-Down, Yellow Art work, 31K only monitor
NAOMI Universal Upright - Stand Up, Yellow Art work, 31K only monitor
Net-City - Sit-Down, Yellow Art work, Tri-Sync monitor

Net-City Upright - Sit-Down, Yellow Art work, Tri-Sync monitor
New Net City - Sit-Down, Black and Silver Art work, Tri-Sync Flat Front monitor

All of the monitors are Nanao/Sanwa monitors and excellent quality. the New Net City cabs are the most desirable because they're the newest, the flat glass monitor is nice and the artwork looks cool.

The NAOMI Universal Upright cabs are the easiest to find however, because Virtua Tennis, Virtua Tennis 2, and Virtua Golf were all available in these cabs in the US, so they're the easiest of the bunch to find (no importing required) and generally cheaper. The 31K only monitor will limit the games it can play though so keep that in mind.

Any of the stand-up games can be converted to sit-down by cutting down the bars on the sides. the USA NAOMI Universal Uprights however generally have an "American" style coin slot under the control panel, while the Japanese cabs all have the coin slot up top. Meaning that if you convert one you'll be missing a lot of the parts to make the coin mechanism work once converted.

Some other games did ship in the US in versions of these cabs such as Crazy Taxi and Wild Riders, but they have all kind of custom colored plastics and a steering wheel control panel setup, so you'd be looking at sourcing A LOT of parts to make it a fighting game cab... would very quickly offset any money you saved buying one of these in the first place.
I have a Typing of the Dead cab which is a Net City Upright. You're welcome to come check out if you want.

As for the "wife acceptance factor" I've never met anyone who had a wife that didn't prefer candy cabs to American style wooden cabs. They're smaller lighter, they have a much "softer" appearance and they tend to fit way better with home decor.
It is all preference. The footprint of Japanese cabs and US cabs is practically the same. Plus the Japanese cabs will require chairs which increases the footprint. No matter what, they are both cumbersome to move around with Japanese cabs being less so by about 30 inches in height. You'll pay a pretty penny for a Japanese candy cab and they are no fun to work on due to the confined spaces. If you have a row of Japanese candy cabs, any hardcore gamer will instantly revere you. But it is going to set you back a pretty penny. Since you are just getting going, spruce up your 3s cab to your liking. Then as you read more and are more aware, perhaps are even lucky enough to find one to play on, then target getting a Japanese cab for yourself.

Being a stand-up guy, I prefer US cabs. I think it goes well with that wham bam most fun you can have for a quarter and then you're gone style of play that was what arcades were. But again, it is all preference.

Getting back to CvS2, it runs off a GDROM and a Dimm (or a Net Dimm set to run off GDROM). A working GDROM drive will set you back $150. CvS2 will set you back $50-$100. Also, you'll need a Dimm ($30) or a NetDimm ($150-$200) to play it. Add in the cost of MvC2 and that will cost you another $100-$150. You can get a NetDimm, save all those costs you'll be able to net boot and play both games in no time. You sound more gamer than purist so think the Net Dimm option is best for you. The good news is I know of a reliable Internet merchant that might be able to get you a Naomi and Net Dimm for $128 plus about $30 shipping. I don't want lurkers to drive up prices, so PM if you decide this is the route for you. From there, all you need is an I/O board ($35) and a PSU (from $20 to $100) and you're off and running.
It is all preference. The footprint of Japanese cabs and US cabs is practically the same. Plus the Japanese cabs will require chairs which increases the footprint. No matter what, they are both cumbersome to move around with Japanese cabs being less so by about 30 inches in height. You'll pay a pretty penny for a Japanese candy cab and they are no fun to work on due to the confined spaces. If you have a row of Japanese candy cabs, any hardcore gamer will instantly revere you. But it is going to set you back a pretty penny. Since you are just getting going, spruce up your 3s cab to your liking. Then as you read more and are more aware, perhaps are even lucky enough to find one to play on, then target getting a Japanese cab for yourself.

Being a stand-up guy, I prefer US cabs. I think it goes well with that wham bam most fun you can have for a quarter and then you're gone style of play that was what arcades were. But again, it is all preference.

Getting back to CvS2, it runs off a GDROM and a Dimm (or a Net Dimm set to run off GDROM). A working GDROM drive will set you back $150. CvS2 will set you back $50-$100. Also, you'll need a Dimm ($30) or a NetDimm ($150-$200) to play it. Add in the cost of MvC2 and that will cost you another $100-$150. You can get a NetDimm, save all those costs you'll be able to net boot and play both games in no time. You sound more gamer than purist so think the Net Dimm option is best for you. The good news is I know of a reliable Internet merchant that might be able to get you a Naomi and Net Dimm for $128 plus about $30 shipping. I don't want lurkers to drive up prices, so PM if you decide this is the route for you. From there, all you need is an I/O board ($35) and a PSU (from $20 to $100) and you're off and running.
I think I'd actually like to go the Naomi Universal Upright, if I can find one. I need to take some time, and see if I can search out a Naomi cab. I think having a sit-down cabinet would look really odd next to all my stand-ups. In the meantime, I think there's a dynamo I can snatch up locally to house MVC2, even though it'll look bad and sad. :) If your seller can pick me up a netdimm, I'd be all over that. I have actually already purchased my Naomi, MVC2 cart, and Capcom I/O. Yes, you about pegged me right, I'm more of the gamer type, than a purist. That being said, if I can do the set up right, I will do it right!

Thanks AC and Twisted for being more than helpful!