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Does the Multi come with Proman adapter now or can you buy that with it? By reading the thread it wasn't quite clear.
Hi there, would it still be possible to jump in and get one?
Thanks a lot :)
Received mine up and running thanks a lot !

So I'm finally going to assemble my kit! :) Has been several months now since I bought it and when unpacking I see this programming adapter I got at the same time, scanned through my mail history and saw that the programming is supposed to be the same as on Darksoft's NAMCO System I (which I don't have). Downloaded the instructions for NAMCO System I and as I understand it there are 2 options, cheap ("FlashCat") or expensive ("Proman")?

Flashcat seems to be available from here; https://www.embeddedcomputers.net/products/FlashcatUSB_XPORT/ is that the correct one and the only needed apart from the adapter I got with the multi?

Proman (from seeing post #325 from DS); https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32809852082.html

I would like to avoid Proman as it costs at least the double of the Flashcat and if it takes 30 minutes /module is not the end of the world for me.

Input appreciated - thanks! ;)
Proman is the only one that we can guarantee to work. The flashcat programming adapter DS made for Namco S1 needs modification to work with our flash modules but we don't have a flashcat adapter to do testing with.
finally decided to order the Proman last week

Order placed on: Sep 13, 2023

Estimated delivery date: Oct 6, 2023
Departed from transit country/region

NAND ProMan Professional programmer repair tool copy NAND FLASH data recovery