with the permission of @BladeZX I had a buddy (PCBJunkie) modify the gerbers for the original OLED with RPi using WiFi.
We modified the design to mount the Rpi Zero right on the switcher board. We also changed the design to pull power, reset and ground from the unused IDC connector at the bottom of the board, so there is no need for bodge wires from switcher to PCB or switcher to Rpi.
There ended up being a small error in the new design, after looking at everything for 2 hours and swapping RPi's I found the missing ground from the design.
It works perfectly now. Once I get the design finalized with ground repair, I will post more details.
Only connection off board now is the ribbon to the dips.
Clips in pic are connecting the missing ground for testing.
We modified the design to mount the Rpi Zero right on the switcher board. We also changed the design to pull power, reset and ground from the unused IDC connector at the bottom of the board, so there is no need for bodge wires from switcher to PCB or switcher to Rpi.
There ended up being a small error in the new design, after looking at everything for 2 hours and swapping RPi's I found the missing ground from the design.
It works perfectly now. Once I get the design finalized with ground repair, I will post more details.
Only connection off board now is the ribbon to the dips.
Clips in pic are connecting the missing ground for testing.