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Mar 9, 2022
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I just got my DDP2 Bee Storm in the mail today (bought it from a forum member here) but ran into some issue:

2 of my 3 PGMs have either graphic and/or sound glitches with DDP2 (with no other game!) - One of the PGMs runs DDP2 without issues.

I guess the issue is with ma PGMs and not the game itself, but added the information for the next point / my real question:

It seems somebody replaced the caps on C4/C5 but with wrong values?
  • On C5 sits a 100uf 16V (silk screen reads 47U)
  • On C4 sits a 470uf 16V (silk screen reads 100U)
The rest of the pcbs seem genuine and unaltered (see attached photos). Before i replace C5 with 47uf and C4 with 100uf: What are the correct values and is there a reason why somebody would solder different sized caps to those points?

it sound like they switched them when they replaced em and misread 47uf as 470uf.
My guess is the same. Can anybody have a look at their cards and tell me if 47uf 16V for C5 and 100uf 16V for C4 is correct? - Does anyone see any alterations to my pcbs, besides the two caps?

Make sure your cart and PGM contacts are extra clean. Dirty contacts can cause glitching.

Thanks a lot for the advice. Cleaning contacts is the first step i do on "new" games :) - My wildest guess is that my PGMs are a bit faulty and the DDP2 is extremly picky (for some reasons... maybe the two caps cause this)

... will change the caps to original values and check if this caused troubles.
Can confirm that DDP2 is extremely picky with cart contacts because i had the same issue...my PGM runs every cart i throw in perfectly,but with DDP i had sprite glitches.
Found out when i press a bit from the downside on the mainboard pcb where the cart contacts are,it runs flawlessly.
My problem is solved, tinkered a bit around and it is the PGMs, not the card itself. The card seems (compared to other games) picky.

  • (in my case) it is not the slots. I switched slots on different pgms and the issues stayed exactly the same!
  • my sound issue on one of the pgms is a broken volume potentiometer (which was fine a couple of weeks ago...) - fixed the pgm and ddp2 runs perfect on that pgm
  • the graphic issue in the other pgm come from some weird stuff happening on pgm itself. It seems there was a battery leakage on that pcb and it was not fully repaired (guess because of other games just run fine with it). Have recaped it, replaced 2 resistor arrays, checked traces, but haven't narrowed down the issue, yet
  • i recaped the DDP2 with the correct value caps. My guess is that the mixture before was some weird solution due not having correct values caps available (havent checked the traces, but i guess the switched values work too)
Thanks a lot for the input! :)