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Jul 22, 2020
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Cincinnati, OH
Hey all - just seeing if anyone has one of these lying around they aren't using.

I've signed up on Everten's wait list for the next batch, but thought I'd do a quick check to see if anyone isn't using their's. 😉

Got my F3 a few weeks ago and I'm a bit obsessed with it right now. Lol
Hey all - just seeing if anyone has one of these lying around they aren't using.

I've signed up on Everten's wait list for the next batch, but thought I'd do a quick check to see if anyone isn't using their's. 😉

Got my F3 a few weeks ago and I'm a bit obsessed with it right now. Lol
I'm in the same boat as you. Waiting on a notification for them. I did see this site with them in stock when I was searching around. I have no experience or knowledge about them though. https://www.candycabclub.com/product/everten_f3
I'm in the same boat as you. Waiting on a notification for them. I did see this site with them in stock when I was searching around. I have no experience or knowledge about them though. https://www.candycabclub.com/product/everten_f3
That’s our man @djsheep who graciously offered to distribute these to Australia and nearby customers.

USA and everywhere else will need to order through Tindie.

Appreciate the interest! Sorry you both missed out on the last run. There may be someone on here selling. If not, I’m doing my best to get more boards made, no ETA at this time though :(.
That’s our man @djsheep who graciously offered to distribute these to Australia and nearby customers.

USA and everywhere else will need to order through Tindie.

Appreciate the interest! Sorry you both missed out on the last run. There may be someone on here selling. If not, I’m doing my best to get more boards made, no ETA at this time though :(.
Oh nice! Didn't realize that was him. I actually ordered some vinyl labels from him on here recently. Seems like a good dude from our conversation. Looking forward to a restock on Tindie. Also, if anyone has an extra after @yagamikun gets one let me know. Now back to waiting for imports from Australia:P.
I’ll keep the remaining stock here for Aussie customers, very gracious to you @everten for stocking my store. Look forward to the MVS board when it’s ready for the public.