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Mar 5, 2017
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Old Blighty
I've got a Vewlix with vertical monitor, and tried a few vertical games with a Taito X2 multigame system- various Raidens & Giga Wing Generations. They are upside down, so I tried settings, which are in Japanese. Anyone know the translation/what to select to flip the vertical 180 degrees? Here is the settings page for Raiden IV. Same for Giga Wing:

I wasn't sure it would be good enough, but it was :) Just needed a translation (thanks Stupid Dufus) to quality check Google Translate.

Unfortunately the in-game settings don't allow flipping of the display 180 degrees, so putting in a vertically oriented monitor has been a Fail, with the display upside down. Not sure if I can do anything to make this work vertically? I have also checked the 'vertical' check box in overall Nesica settings, which made no difference. Is it the new 4K monitor that is the issue? Surely it is possible to do this??
I took the monitor out- it's a 4K LG 'upgrade' monitor. He had rotated it clockwise when put in for tate! I rotated it the correct way, re-installed, and it works now. Learning is not to buy upgrade monitors as the brackets are custom, and it only inputs digital (HDMI, DP), not VGA analogue for which you need an OSSC (e.g. with Naomi). A lot of hassle I could have done without frankly. But all works now- thanks for your help :)